


Dominus illuminatio mea - full SSATB. Robert Hugill. A cappella. Sacred , Motet. Language. Latin. SSATB.


Dominus illuminatio mea - full SSATB. Robert Hugill. A capella. Sagrat, Motet. Idioma. Latin. SSATB.


Original composition by Robert Hugill, motet setting Latin verses from Psalm 26. This is a double motet, part one forms the Introit for the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Part 2 the Introit to the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time from Tempus per Annum. The individual parts may be performed separately as introits, or together as a motet. The motet is set for five part unaccompanied choir. SSATB. and is part of Robert Hugill's sequence of motets Tempus per Annum setting the Latin introits for all the Sundays in the church's year and for major feasts.


Original composition by Robert Hugill, motet setting Latin verses from Psalm 26. This is a double motet, part one forms the Introit for the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Part 2 the Introit to the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time from Tempus per Annum. The individual parts may be performed separately as introits, or together as a motet. El motet s'estableix per a cinc parts cor a cappella. SSATB. i és part de la seqüència de Robert Hugill de motets Tempus anuals que fixin les introitos Llatina per a tots els diumenges a l'any de l'església i per a les principals festes.