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Broadway Presents. Audition Musical Theatre Anthology. Young Female Edition. Voice sheet music.
Presenta Broadway. Audició Musical Theatre Anthology. Femella Jove Edició. Partitures de veu.
Broadway Presents. Audition Musical Theatre Anthology. Young Female Edition. 16-32 Bar Excerpts from Stage & Film, Specially Designed for Teen Singers. Edited by Lisa DeSpain. For Voice. Book. CD. Vocal Collection. Vocal Collection. Broadway. Softcover with CD. 224 pages. Hal Leonard #34277. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.322304. ISBN 0739066080. Broadway. 9x12 inches. These books feature delightful collections of 100 excerpts of musical theatre songs designed especially for audition situations. These excerpts represent a great variety of shows that span decades of theatre history and a multitude of styles. Using the original vocal scores, the excerpts have been selected and adapted to help singers show off their best in a 16-32 bar audition cut. Includes audition tips, song set-up for each song, as well as vocal style and genre indexes, making this the most useful and relevant collection of its kind. CD accompaniment tracks are provided for all song excerpts. I Got Rhythm. AND ALL THAT JAZZ. from 'Chicago'. FUNNY HONEY. from 'Chicago'. ROXIE. from 'Chicago'. MAN I LOVE, THE. from 'Strike Up the Band'. SOMEONE TO WATCH OVER ME. from 'Oh, Kay'. I GET A KICK OUT OF YOU. from 'Anything Goes'. ANYTHING GOES. from 'Anything Goes'. BEWITCHED, BOTHERED AND BEWILDERED. from 'PAL JOEY'. I COULD HAVE DANCED ALL NIGHT. from 'My Fair Lady'. MY FUNNY VALENTINE. from 'Babes in Arms'. OVER THE RAINBOW. from 'The Wizard of Oz'. AQUARIUS. from 'Hair'. GOOD MORNING STARSHINE. FROM 'HAIR'. HOME. from 'The Wiz'. HOW COULD I EVER KNOW. from 'The Secret Garden'. I WISH I WERE IN LOVE AGAIN. from 'Babes in Arms'. SOMEWHERE THAT'S GREEN. from 'Little Shop of Horrors'. DON'T RAIN ON MY PARADE. from 'Funny Girl'. SHY. from 'Once Upon A Mattress'. THERE WON'T BE TRUMPETS. from 'Anyone Can Whistle'. TROLLEY SONG, THE. from 'Meet Me in St. Louis'. SUDDENLY, SEYMOUR. from 'Little Shop of Horrors'. Get Happy. HOW ARE THINGS IN GLOCCA MORRA. from 'Finian's Rainbow'. WOULDN'T IT BE LOVERLY. from 'My Fair Lady'. DIAMONDS ARE A GIRL'S BEST FRIEND. from 'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes'. I'M NOT AT ALL IN LOVE. from 'The Pajama Game'. LOOK TO THE RAINBOW. from 'Finian's Rainbow'. MAMMA MIA. from 'Mamma Mia. My Heart Stood Still. LOVE WHO YOU LOVE. from 'A Man of No Importance'. PRINCESS. from 'A Man of No Importance'. ONLY LOVE. from 'The Scarlet Pimpernel'. WHEN I LOOK AT YOU. from 'The Scarlet Pimpernel'. I'm A Stranger Here Myself. CROSSWORD PUZZLE. from 'Starting Here, Starting Now'. I THINK I MAY WANT TO REMEMBER. from Starting Here, Starting Now. Be A Lion. YOU TOOK ADVANTAGE OF ME. from 'Present Arms'. I CAN COOK TOO. from 'On The Town'. HOLD ON. from 'The Secret Garden'. CHANGE. from 'A New Brain'. ALL FOR YOU. from 'Seussical the Musical'. Amayzing Mayzie. NOTICE ME, HORTON. from 'Seussical the Musical'. MUCH MORE. from 'The Fantasticks'. I LOVED YOU ONCE IN SILENCE. from 'Camelot'. SHOW ME. from 'My Fair Lady'. SIMPLE JOYS OF MAIDENHOOD, THE. from 'Camelot'. YOUR DADDY'S SON. from 'Ragtime'. I SPEAK SIX LANGUAGES. from 'The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee'. MY FRIEND, THE DICTIONARY. from The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. ANYTIME. I AM THERE. FROM 'ELEGIES. A SONG CYCLE'. HANGIN' AROUND WITH YOU. from 'Strike Up the Band. IS IT REALLY ME. from '110 in the Shade'. WAITING FOR LIFE. from 'Once on This Island'. THE STORY GOES ON. from 'Baby'. GOOD MORNING. FROM 'SINGIN' IN THE RAIN'. OUT HERE ON MY OWN. from 'Fame'. LET'S PLAY A LOVE SCENE. from 'Fame-The Musical'. LITTLE BIT IN LOVE, A. from 'Wonderful Town'. MIRA. from 'Carnival'. ONCE UPON A DREAM. from 'Jekyll And Hyde'. THE BOY FRIEND. from 'The Boy Friend'. The Sailor of My Dreams. This Is All Very New to Me. A LITTLE BRAINS, A LITTLE TALENT. from 'Damn Yankees'. IF YOU HADN'T BUT YOU DID. from 'Two on the Aisle'. ALWAYS TRUE TO YOU IN MY FASHION. from 'Kiss Me Kate'. MY HEART BELONGS TO DADDY. from 'Leave It To Me. RAUNCHY. from '110 in the Shade'. HERE'S WHERE I STAND. from 'Camp'. MAMA WHO BORE ME. from 'Spring Awakening'. THE NEW GIRL IN TOWN. from 'Hairspray'. ALL I DO IS DREAM OF YOU. from 'Singin' In The Rain'. MUSIC THAT MAKES ME DANCE, THE. from 'Funny Girl'. Caution To The Wind. Light. Superboy and the Invisible Girl. BOY NEXT DOOR, THE. from 'Meet Me In St. Louis'. DOLL ON A MUSIC BOX. from 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang'. EVEN THOUGH. from 'I Love You Because'. I WANT TO GO TO HOLLYWOOD. from 'Grand Hotel'. IT'S A PERFECT RELATIONSHIP. from 'Bells Are Ringing'. LOVELY. from 'A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the ForumÃ. MAMA WHO BORE ME. REPRISE. from 'Spring Awakening'. NOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME. from 'Thoroughly Modern Millie'. Rhode Island Is Famous For You. SOME THINGS ARE MEANT TO BE. from 'Little Women'. TAKE ME TO THE WORLD. from 'Evening Primrose'. BOY WANTED. from ÃMy One And OnlyÃ. I WANT IT NOW. from ÃCharlie And The Chocolate FactoryÃ. ASTONISHING. from ÃLittle WomenÃ. GIMME GIMME. from ÃThoroughly Modern MillieÃ. I HAD MYSELF A TRUE LOVE. from ÃSt. Louis WomanÃ. WHISPERING. from ÃSpring AwakeningÃ. FUNNY. from ÃMy Favorite YearÃ. I'M HERE. from ÃThe Color PurpleÃ. TIMES LIKE THIS. from ÃLucky StiffÃ.
Presenta Broadway. Audició Musical Theatre Anthology. Femella Jove Edició. 16-32 Bar Extractes de l'etapa. Editat per Lisa DeSpain. Per veu. Llibre. CD. Col · lecció Vocal. Col · lecció Vocal. Broadway. Tapa tova amb CD. 224 pàgines. Hal Leonard. Publicat per Hal Leonard. HL.322304. ISBN 0739066080. Broadway. 9x12 polzades. Aquests llibres tenen col · leccions impressionants de 100 extractes de cançons de teatre musical dissenyat especialment per a situacions d'audició. Aquests extractes representen una gran varietat d'espectacles que abasten dècades de la història del teatre i una multitud d'estils. Ús de les partitures vocals originals, els fragments han estat seleccionades i adaptades per ajudar els cantants lluir el millor possible en un tall de 16-32 bar audició. Inclou consells audició, cançó posada a punt per a cada cançó, així com els índexs d'estil vocal i de gènere, fent d'aquesta la col · lecció més útil i rellevant del seu tipus. Pistes d'acompanyament CD es proporcionen per a tots els extractes de la cançó. I Got Rhythm. I tot aquest jazz. de 'Chicago'. MEL DIVERTIT. de 'Chicago'. Roxie. de 'Chicago'. MAN I LOVE, L'. de "Harmonies de joventut '. Algú que Tingueu cura de ME. de 'Oh, Kay'. ARRIBAR A retrocés de vostè. de "tot val". TOT VAL. de "tot val". Bewitched, molest i desconcertat. des de 'PAL Joey'. Podria haver ballat tota la nit. de 'My Fair Lady'. MY FUNNY VALENTINE. de "Babes in Arms". SOBRE L'ARC DE SANT MARTÍ. d'El Mag d'Oz '. AQUARI. de 'Hair'. Starshine BONA MATÍ. D''HAIR'. HOME. from 'The Wiz'. Com havia de saber mai. de 'El jardí secret'. M'agradaria estar en amor altra vegada. de "Babes in Arms". A ALGUN LLOC QUE ÉS VERD. des de "Little Shop of Horrors". No plogui en el meu desfilada. from 'Funny Girl'. SHY. de 'Onze Upon A Mattress ". NO HI HAURÀ TROMPETES. des de "Qualsevol persona pot xiular '. CISTELL DE LA CANÇÓ, EL. de "Meet Em in St Louis". Tot d'una, SEYMOUR. des de "Little Shop of Horrors". Get Happy. COM SÓN LES COSES EN Glocca MORRA. de 'vall del arc de Sant Martí ". No seria Loverly. de 'My Fair Lady'. DIAMANTS SÓN MILLOR AMIC D'UN NOIA. de 'Els cavallers les prefereixen rosses'. NO SÓC RES A AMOR. de "The Pajama Game". CONTACTE AMB L'ARC DE SANT MARTÍ. de 'vall del arc de Sant Martí ". MAMMA MIA. de 'Mamma Mia. My Heart stood Still. AMA que t'estimen. de 'Un home sense importància'. PRINCESS. de 'Un home sense importància'. NOMÉS L'AMOR. des de "La pimpinella escarlata". QUAN MIRO A VOSTÈ. des de "La pimpinella escarlata". Jo sóc un estrany aquí jo. MOTS ENCREUATS. de 'A partir d'aquí, Starting Now'. Crec que molts de vosaltres voleu recordar. A partir d'aquí, Starting Now. Be A Lion. VOSTÈ es va aprofitar de mi. de 'Present Arms'. PUC CUINAR TOO. de 'On The Town'. HOLD ON. de 'El jardí secret'. CANVI. d '"un nou cervell'. ALL FOR YOU. des de 'Seussical el Musical'. Amayzing Mayzie. AVÍS ME, HORTON. des de 'Seussical el Musical'. MOLT MÉS. 'De la Fantasticks'. I Loved You VEGADA EN SILENCI. de 'Camelot'. SHOW ME. de 'My Fair Lady'. ALEGRIES SIMPLES DE doncellez, L'. de 'Camelot'. FILL DEL SEU PARE. des de 'Ragtime'. JO PARLO SIS IDIOMES. 'De la 25a Spelling Bee Comtat Anual de Putnam. EL MEU AMIC, EL DICCIONARI. A partir del 25 Concurs d'Ortografia del Comtat de Putnam anual. En qualsevol moment. Jo estic aquí. D''ELEGIES. Un cicle de cançons '. Hangin voltant AMB VOSTÈ. de "Harmonies de joventut. ÉS REALMENT EM. del '110 a l'ombra '. ESPERANT LA VIDA. de 'Un cop en aquesta illa'. La història continua. de 'Baby'. BON DIA. D''Singin' in the Rain '. OUT HERE ON MY OWN. de 'Fama'. Anem a jugar un escena d'amor. de 'Fama-El Musical'. POC AL AMOR, A. de "Ciutat Meravellosa". MIRA. des de 'Carnival'. ONCE UPON A DREAM. de 'Jekyll i Hyde'. EL NUVI. from 'The Boy Friend'. El mariner dels meus Somnis. Tot això és molt nou per a mi. A CERVELLS POC, POC A TALENT. des de 'Damn Yankees'. Si no haguessis PERÒ QUE VAS FER. de "Dos al passadís '. SEMPRE FIDEL A VOSTÈ A LA MEVA MODA. de 'Kiss Me Kate'. El meu cor pertany a papi. de "Leave It To Em. Raunchy. del '110 a l'ombra '. Aquí és on jo col · loco. de 'Camp'. MAMA que portaven ME. de 'Spring Awakening'. LA NOVA NOIA A LA CIUTAT. de 'Hairspray'. TOT EL QUE FAIG ÉS SOMNI DE VOSTÈ. de "Singin 'In The Rain'. MÚSICA QUE EM FA DANSA, L'. from 'Funny Girl'. Precaució al vent. Llum. Superboy and the Invisible Girl. BOY NEXT DOOR, L'. de 'Meet Me In St Louis'. NINA EN UNA CAIXA DE MÚSICA. de 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang'. ENCARA. de "Et Vull Perquè '. VULL ANAR A HOLLYWOOD. de 'Gran Hotel'. És una relació PERFECTE. de "Bells Are Ringing". ENCANTADOR. de 'Alguna cosa estrany va succeir en el camí cap a la Foruma. MAMA que portaven ME. REPEAT. de 'Spring Awakening'. NO PER A LA VIDA ME. de 'Millie, una noia moderna'. Rhode Island és famosa per vostè. Algunes coses estan destinats a estar. de 'Donetes'. TAKE ME TO THE WORLD. de "Onagra '. BOY WANTED. d'Amy One And onlya. Ho vull ara. des ÃCharlie I El factory xocolata. Astonishing. Una mica de les Dones. Gimme Gimme. des ÃThoroughly Modern MillieÃ. Tenia mateix UN AMOR VERITABLE. d'AST. Louis womanâ. WHISPERING. des aMuelles AwakeningÃ. DIVERTIT. d'Amy favorita YEARA. ESTIC AQUÍ. des Athe color PurpleÃ. Moments com aquest. des alucky Stiffa.