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The Ultimate Rock Guitar Fake Book - 2nd Edition. Various. Easy Guitar sheet music. Electric Guitar sheet music. Guitar Tablature sheet music. Piano sheet music. Beginning.
El fals últim llibre Rock Guitar - 2a Edició. Vario. Fàcil de fulla de música Guitarra. Electricitat partitures Guitar. Full de tabulatura de guitarra de música. Partitures per a piano. Començament.
The Ultimate Rock Guitar Fake Book - 2nd Edition. 200 Songs Authentically Transcribed for Guitar in Notes & Tab. By Various. For Guitar, Melody. Lyrics. Chords. Hal Leonard Fake Books. Difficulty. easy-medium. Fake book. spiral bound. Guitar chord diagrams, vocal melody and guitar tablature. of vocal melody only. 576 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.240070. ISBN 0881889784. With guitar chord diagrams, vocal melody and guitar tablature. of vocal melody only. 9x12 inches. This updated edition features a fresh selection of the greatest rock songs of all time so you can have every classic at your fingertips. Includes melody, lyrics and chord diagrams, plus authentically transcribed guitar parts in notes & tab for 200 must-have tunes. Against the Wind. All Right Now. Anarchy in the U.K.. Bark at the Moon. Barracuda. Brown Eyed Girl. Cheap Sunglasses. Clocks. Complicated. Detroit Rock City. Evil Ways. Fortunate Son. Hot Blooded. Jack and Diane. Livin' on a Prayer. Mony, Mony. More Than Words. Photograph. Pour Some Sugar on Me. Refugee. Rock You Like a Hurricane. Should I Stay or Should I Go. Smells Like Teen Spirit. Smooth. The Space Between. Summer of '69. Take Me to the River. Thriller. Tush. What a Fool Believes. White Wedding. Ziggy Stardust. and scores more. A "fake book" contains songs written in a concise format that includes only the melody and chords, letting you interpret the song's performance as you feel is appropriate. This is great for quickly learning songs by yourself or with an ensemble. Each song in a fake book only has a single melody actually written out in notes, which is usually the vocal or lead melody. This melody will have the lyrics written beneath the notes, with each word aligned to its corresponding note. Above the notes of the melody will appear the names of the appropriate chords to play - for example, a "C minor" chord would be written as "Cmin" or Cm", rather than writing out all of the notes in those chords as they appeared in the original version of the song. This format is very compact, which is why you will often see fakebooks containing 500 or more songs. Heartbreaker. We're Not Gonna Take It. Walk On The Wild Side. Runaway. Heartbreak Hotel. Band On The Run. Born To Be Wild. Can't Buy Me Love. Get Back. Crocodile Rock. Day Tripper. Don't Be Cruel. To A Heart That's True. Eight Days A Week. Forever Man. Free Bird. Good Lovin'. Guitar Boogie Shuffle. A Hard Day's Night. Hey Jude. Hound Dog. I Wanna Rock. If You Love Somebody Set Them Free. Kid Charlemagne. Lay Down Sally. Louie, Louie. Magic Carpet Ride. Nadine. Is It You. Reeling In The Years. Secret Agent Man. Sleepwalk. She's. Some Kind Of Wonderful. Stayin' Alive. Stray Cat Strut. Stuck In The Middle With You. Sunshine of Your Love. Surfin' U.S.A. Sweet Home Alabama. That'll Be The Day. Ticket To Ride. So. Tired Of Waiting For You. Wake Up Little Susie. Walk This Way. Low Rider. Call Me. All Apologies. Dreams. No Sugar Tonight. Rock Me. No Excuses. Peace Of Mind. Stay With Me. Round Here. No Matter What. She's So Cold. Happy. Against The Wind. Hold My Hand. Panama. Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love. Rock'n Me. Take Me To The River. Godzilla. Say It Ain't So. Dance With Me. No Rain. Dream Police. Changes. Heaven. Back On The Chain Gang. Lightning Crashes. Mother. Til I Hear It From You. No More Mr. Nice Guy. Give A Little Bit. Heart Full Of Soul. All Right Now. Highway Star. Santeria. Just A Girl. Slow Ride. Stop. Pretty Fly. For A White Guy. My Own Worst Enemy. Smooth. All The Small Things. Learn To Fly. Drive. The Space Between. Show Me The Way. Somebody to love. Photograph. Wheel In The Sky. Like The Way I Do. Complicated. Cheap Sunglasses. Tube Snake Boogie. Clocks. I Get Around. Rock And Roll Never Forgets. Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You. Bad Case Of Loving You. Bad Medicine. Kryptonite. Barbara Ann. The Boys Are Back In Town. Bark At The Moon. Here I Go Again. Barracuda. The House of the Rising Sun. All Fired Up. Bell Bottom Blues. Blue Collar Man. Long Nights. Turn Up The Radio. One Step Closer. What I Am. Lights Out. La Bamba. Brown Eyed Girl. The World I Know. Daughter. Bye Bye Love. Thriller. Drift Away. Makes Me Wonder. Cocaine. Let It Ride. Never Been Any Reason. If It Makes You Happy. Black Betty. One Way Or Another. De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da. Detroit Rock City. Who Are You. 21 Guns. Children of the Sun. Evil Woman. Fast Car. Frankenstein. Funk #49. Heart Shaped Box. Hot Blooded. Hot Legs. Hurts So Good. I Can't Explain. I Shot The Sheriff. I'm A Believer. Jack And Diane. Jailbreak. Jeremy. Land Of Confusion. Last Child. Life In The Fast Lane. Little Red Corvette. Livin' On A Prayer. Locomotive Breath. Mama, I'm Coming Home. Mony, Mony. More Than Words. Old Time Rock & Roll. The Passenger. Point Of Know Return. Pour Some Sugar On Me. Rock And Roll Hoochie Koo. Rocky Mountain Way. Runnin' Down A Dream. Search And Destroy. Should I Stay Or Should I Go. Smells Like Teen Spirit. Smokin' In The Boys Room. Strutter. Talk Dirty To Me. Tie Your Mother Down. The Trooper. Turn Me Loose. Walk Of Life. War Pigs. Interpolating Luke's Wall. What a Fool Believes. Am I Evil. Hard To Handle. Evil Ways. Dancing With Myself. Working For The Weekend. Too Rolling Stoned. Hold On Loosely. Tush. Anarchy In The U.K. Summer Of '69. Refugee. Ziggy Stardust. Outshined. Rock You Like A Hurricane. Fortunate Son. Have You Ever Seen the Rain. White Wedding. I Want To Hold Your Hand. Up All Night. Fat Bottomed Girls. Jessie's Girl. Thirty Days. This Love.
El fals últim llibre Rock Guitar - 2a Edició. 200 cançons autènticament transcrites per a guitarra en Notes. Per Diversos. Per Guitarra, Melody. Lyrics. Acords. Hal Leonard Llibres falsos. Dificultat. fàcil de mitjà. Llibre Fake. spiral-bound. Diagrames d'acords de guitarra, melodia vocal i tabulatures per a guitarra. només la melodia de veu. 576 pàgines. Publicat per Hal Leonard. HL.240070. ISBN 0881889784. Amb els diagrames d'acords de guitarra, melodia vocal i tabulatures per a guitarra. només la melodia de veu. 9x12 polzades. Aquesta edició actualitzada compta amb una nova selecció de les millors cançons de rock de tots els temps perquè pugui tenir cada clàssic al seu abast. Inclou melodies, lletres i diagrames d'acords, a més de parts de guitarra autènticament transcrites en les notes. Contra el vent. All Right Now. Anarchy in the U.K.. Escorça a la lluna. Barracuda. Brown Eyed Girl. Ulleres de sol barates. Rellotges. Complicat. Detroit Rock City. Evil Ways. Fortunate Són. Hot Blooded. Jack i Diane. Livin 'on a Prayer. Mony, Mony. Més que paraules. Fotografia. Aboqui una mica de sucre en mi. Refugiat. Rock You Like a Hurricane. He romandre o he d'anar. Smells Like Teen Spirit. Llis. L'espai entre. Estiu del 69. Llévame al riu. Novel · la de suspens. Tush. Què creu que un ximple. White Wedding. Ziggy Stardust. i els puntajes més. Un "llibre fals" conté cançons escrites en un format concís que inclou només la melodia i els acords, el que li permet interpretar l'acompliment de la cançó com creguis apropiat. Això és molt bo per aprendre ràpidament les cançons en solitari o amb un conjunt. Cada cançó en un llibre fals només té una melodia realment escrit en les notes, que sol ser la melodia vocal o plom. Aquesta melodia tindrà les lletres escrites sota de les notes, amb cada paraula alineat a la seva nota corresponent. Per sobre de les notes de la melodia apareixerà el nom dels acords apropiats per jugar - per exemple, un acord de "Do menor" s'escriuria com "Cmin" o Cm ", en lloc d'escriure totes les notes dels acords, ja que aparegut en la versió original de la cançó. Aquest format és molt compacte, pel que vostè veurà sovint fakebooks que contenen 500 o més cançons. Trencacors. Estem Not Gonna Take It. Walk On The Wild Side. Fugitiu. Heartbreak Hotel. Band on the Run. Nascut per ser salvatge. No pots comprar el meu amor. Tornar. Crocodile Rock. Excursionista. No siguis cruel. Per a un cor que és veritat. Eight Days A Week. Sempre Home. Free Bird. Good Lovin '. Guitar Boogie Aleatori. Quina nit la d'aquell dia!. Hey Jude. Hound Dog. I Wanna Rock. Si estimes algú posar-los en llibertat. Kid Charlemagne. Lay Down de Sally. Louie, Louie. Magic Carpet Ride. Nadine. Is It You. Trontollant en els anys. Secret Agent Man. Sleepwalk. Ella és. Una meravella amb classe. Stayin 'Alive. Stray Cat Strut. Stuck In The Middle With You. Sunshine of Your Love. Surfin 'U.S.A. Sweet Home Alabama. Aquest serà el dia. Ticket To Ride. Així. Tired Of Waiting For You. Wake Up Susie. Walk This Way. Low Rider. Trucar. All Apologies. Somnis. Sense Sucre Aquesta nit. Rock Em. Sense Excuses. Tranquil · litat d'esperit. Stay With Em. Ronda Aquí. No importa què. Ella és tan freda. Feliç. Contra El Vent. Hold My Hand. Panamà. No és Talkin'' Bout Love. Rock'n Em. Take Me To The River. Godzilla. Digues que no és veritat. Dance With Em. No Rain. Somni Policia. Canvis. Cel. Back On The Chain Gang. Rayo Crashes. Mare. Fins que tu m'ho diguis. No More Mr Nice Guy. Give A Little Bit. Cor completament l'ànima. All Right Now. Highway Star. Santería. Just A Girl. Slow Ride. Aturi. Pretty Fly. For A White Guy. My Own Worst Enemy. Llis. All The Small Things. Learn To Fly. Drive. L'espai entre. Show Em The Way. Somebody to love. Fotografia. Wheel In The Sky. Igual que la manera jo faci. Complicat. Ulleres de sol barates. Serp del tub Boogie. Rellotges. I Get Around. Rock And Roll mai oblida. Afecte, estic Gonna Leave You. Mal cas Loving You. Bad Medicine. Kryptonite. Barbara Ann. The Boys Are Back In Town. Bark At The Moon. Here I Go Again. Barracuda. La Casa del Sol Naixent. All Fired Up. De Bell Bottom Blues. Blue Collar Home. Nits llargues. Turn Up The Ràdio. Un pas més a prop. What I Am. Lights Out. La Bamba. Brown Eyed Girl. El món que conec. Filla. Bye Bye Love. Novel · la de suspens. Drift Away. Makes Em Wonder. Cocaïna. Let It Ride. Never Been Any Reason. Si això et fa feliç. Negre Betty. One Way Or Another. De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da. Detroit Rock City. Qui és vostè. 21 Guns. Fills del Sol. Evil Woman. Fast Car. Frankenstein. Испуг. Caixa en forma de cor. Hot Blooded. Hot Legs. Hurts So Good. No puc explicar. I Shot The Sheriff. Sóc un creient. Jack And Diane. Fuga. Jeremy. Land Of Confusion. Last Child. La vida al carril ràpid. Little Red Corvette. Livin 'On A Prayer. Locomotive Breath. Mare, me'n vaig a casa. Mony, Mony. Més que paraules. Old Time Roca. The Passenger. Punt de sap la volta. Aboqui una mica de sucre en mi. Rock And Roll Hoochie Koo. Rocky Mountain Way. Runnin 'Down A Dream. Search And Destroy. He romandre o he de marxar. Smells Like Teen Spirit. Smokin 'In The Boys Room. Strutter. Talk Dirty To Me. Tie Your Mother Down. The Trooper. Turn Me Loose. Camí de la vida. War Pigs. Interpolació de la Muralla de Lucas. Què creu que un ximple. Am I Evil. Hard To Handle. Evil Ways. Ballant amb mi mateix. Treballar per al cap de setmana. Massa revista Rolling Stoned. Hold On Lliurement. Tush. Anarchy In The U.K. Summer Of '69. Refugiat. Ziggy Stardust. Outshined. Rock You Like A Hurricane. Fortunate Són. Has vist mai la pluja. White Wedding. Vull dur a terme la seva mà. Up All Night. Fat Bottomed Girls. Noia de Jessie. Trenta dies. This Love.