
Partitures $1.50


Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence. Lisa Stafford. Choir sheet music. Handbell sheet music. Percussion sheet music. Organ Accompaniment sheet music.


Let All Mortal Flesh callin. Lisa Stafford. Partitures Cor. Partitures Handbell. Partitures de percussió. Full d'Acompanyament d'Òrgan de la música.


Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence arranged by Lisa Stafford. For SATB Choir, Soprano Descant, optional Handbells, Organ. SATB. WLP Choral Series. Christian, Worship. Octavo. 11 pages. Published by World Library Publications. WL.008815. This much loved text, set to the tune PICARDY, is skillfully arranged for voices, organ, and handbells by Oklahoma composer Lisa Stafford. The stark organ texture in the opening verse sets the plaintive mood and provides a foundation for the melody line as the handbells ring softly above. Verse 2 and 3 emphasize a four-part choral structure, the latter stanza written for voices alone and employing a cunning use of contrary motion between SA and TB. An organ interlude initiates a running eighth-note figure that segues into and continues through the final verse as all forces unite.


Let All Mortal Flesh callin organitzada per Lisa Stafford. Per SATB, Soprano Descant, Campanillas opcionals, Òrgan. SATB. WLP Choral Sèries. Cristiana, Worship. Vuitè. 11 pàgines. Publicat per World Library Publications. WL.008815. Aquest text molt estimat, s'ajusti a la picardia melodia, és hàbilment disposat per a veus, òrgan i campanes per Oklahoma compositora Lisa Stafford. La textura d'òrgans marcat en el verset d'obertura fixa l'humor gemegós i proporciona una base per a la línia de la melodia com l'anell de campanes suaument per sobre de. El verset 2 i 3 emfatitzen una estructura coral de quatre parts, l'última estrofa escrita per a veus soles i que empren un ús astut de moviment contrari entre SA i la tuberculosi. Un interludi òrgan inicia una figura de corxeres en execució que dóna pas a i continua fins al vers final com totes les forces s'uneixen.