Partitures $1.85
Play Ball. Choir sheet music.
Play Ball. Partitures Cor.
Play Ball. A Partner Song with "Take Me Out to the Ballgame". Composed by Jack Norworth, music by Albert von Tilzer. Choir Secular. 2-Part Choir. Choral Octavo. Choral Designs. Secular. 8 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.39753. A rousing salute to Americaâs favorite pastime. With all of the best qualities of a great partner song arrangement. two easy-to-sing melodies, lively kid-friendly rhythms, and many inner rhymes. , itâs a home run. Featured on "Reaching for the Stars" choral movement DVD 00-39928. Check this out. https. leapingbrain. com. modshop. product. shop9&product5688. Partner Song. Recorded Acc. Available. The Alfred Choral Designs Series provides student and adult choirs with a variety of secular choral music that is useful, practical, educationally appropriate, and a pleasure to sing. To that end, the Choral Designs series features original works, folk song settings, spiritual arrangements, choral masterworks, and holiday selections suitable for use in concerts, festivals, and contests.
Play Ball. A Song Associar-se amb "Take Em Out a el Joc de Pilota". Compost per Jack Norworth, música d'Albert von Tilzer. Cor Secular. Cor en 2 parts. Coral Vuitè. Dissenys Corals. Secular. 8 pàgines. Publicat per Alfred Music. AP.39753. Una salutació entusiasta a Americaâs passatemps favorit. Amb totes les millors qualitats d'un gran arranjament de cançó soci. 02:00 fàcils de cantar melodies, els ritmes alegres agradables per als nens, i moltes rimes internes. , Itas 1 jonrón. Utilitzat en "Reaching for the Stars" moviment coral DVD 00-39928. Check this out. https. leapingbrain. com. modshop. producte. shop9. Soci cançó. Gravat Acc Disponible. El Alfred Choral Designs Sèries proporciona estudiants i adults cors amb una varietat de música coral secular, que sigui útil, pràctic, vista educatiu, i un plaer de cantar. Amb aquesta finalitat, la Coral Designs sèrie compta amb obres originals, ajustaments de la cançó popular, arranjaments espirituals, obres mestres corals, i les seleccions vacances adequats per al seu ús en concerts, festivals i concursos.