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The Real Vocal Book - Volume III. Various. Voice sheet music. Piano sheet music.
El Vocal Reial Book - Volume III. Vario. Partitures de veu. Partitures per a piano.
The Real Vocal Book - Volume III. High Voice. Composed by Various. For Vocal. Fake Book. 440 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.240391. ISBN 145840577X. 8.5x11 inches. An amazing collection of over 300 songs especially for vocalists, including. Águas De Março. Waters of March. Almost like Being in Love. Any Place I Hang My Hat Is Home. Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy. Brazil. Bridge over Troubled Water. C'est Si Bon. It's So Good. A Child Is Born. Close Your Eyes. Dear Heart. Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend. Down with Love. For Once in My Life. Getting to Know You. Happy Talk. Harlem Nocturne. Hello, Dolly. I'm Getting Sentimental Over You. If You Could See Me Now. Invitation. Luck Be a Lady. Moon and Sand. On Broadway. On Green Dolphin Street. Out of This World. Puttin' on the Ritz. Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head. 'Round Midnight. Send in the Clowns. Shiny Stockings. Sing. Sit down You're Rockin' the Boat. Slightly Out of Tune. Desafinado. Smooth Operator. Sunny. Sunrise, Sunset. Taking a Chance on Love. Twisted. While We're Young. You're the Cream in My Coffee. and more. Bye Bye Baby. Gravy Waltz. Two Different Worlds. Across The Alley From The Alamo. The Man With The Horn. Quality Time. Walk On By. Once Upon A Time. Lean Baby. A Garden In The Rain. Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall. I'll Close My Eyes. Smile. Lovin' You. I Just Found Out About Love. All Alone. All At Once You Love Her. Key Largo. Hot Toddy. Once In A Lifetime. Moon And Sand. Hit That Jive Jack. All My Tomorrows. He Needs Me. A Hundred Years From Today. Don't Smoke In Bed. I Love Being Here With You. Gotta Be This Or That. I'm Gonna Go Fishin'. Smack Dab In The Middle. Almost Like Being In Love. Slow Hot Wind. Lujon. If You Could See Me Now. No Other Love. O Pato. The Duck. Jump For Joy. Only The Lonely. Close Your Eyes. And I Love Her. Ivy. And When I Die. Maybe You'll Be There. Night Lights. A Child Is Born. Street Life. Any Place I Hang My Hat Is Home. Lady. How Little We Know. He's A Real Gone Guy. As Long As He Needs Me. Where Are You. Brazil. Come Dance With Me. Do It Again. Back In Your Own Backyard. Too Young To Go Steady. I Want to be a Sideman. Make Believe. Here's To Life. Sing. I'll Be Easy To Find. Turn Out The Stars. Love Wise. Baubles, Bangles And Beads. Remember. Sunrise, Sunset. Bill. Out Of This World. Heartaches. Happy Talk. For Once In My Life. Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy. The Boy From New York City. You, My Love. Breezin' Along With The Breeze. Bridge Over Troubled Water. Let Yourself Go. Brotherhood Of Man. You've Changed. Whistling Away the Dark. A Bushel And A Peck. Button Up Your Overcoat. Some Enchanted Evening. C'est Si Bon. Cabaret. The Colors of My Life. You're Looking At Me. Don't Go To Strangers. Hey There, Good Times. I Love My Wife. Dear Ruby. Here's To The Losers. You Are There. I Think of You. Charade. They Say It's Spring. Flamingo. Cherokee. Indian Love Song. Up Jumped Spring. Close As Pages In A Book. Count Every Star. Cow-Cow Boogie. Dear Heart. Dedicated To You. Deep Purple. Slightly Out Of Tune. Desafinado. Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend. Dindi. Do I Hear A Waltz. Down With Love. I Saw Stars. Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone. Mr. Lucky. Moment To Moment. Easy Does It. Get Happy. Every Breath You Take. Every Day I Have The Blues. Ev'rything I've Got. Feeling Good. A Felicidade. Fifty Ways To Leave Your Lover. Flat Foot Floogee. The Fool On The Hill. So Many Stars. Four Brothers. Fugue For Tinhorns. Getting to Know You. The Girl That I Marry. Golden Earrings. Gonna Build A Mountain. On Green Dolphin Street. Guys And Dolls. Harlem Nocturne. He Was Too Good To Me. He's A Tramp. Heebie Jeebies. Hello, Dolly. Here I'll Stay. Hi-Heel Sneakers. Hit The Road To Dreamland. Holiday For Strings. A House Is Not A Home. I Can Dream, Can't I. I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire. I Found a Million Dollar Baby. In a five and Ten Cent Store. I Got Lost In His Arms. I Guess I'll Have To Change My Plan. I Hadn't Anyone Till You. I Just Called To Say I Love You. I Love My Baby. My Baby Loves Me. I Never Knew. I Say A Little Prayer. I Wanna Be Loved By You. I'd Rather Be Blue Over You. I'll Always Be In Love With You. I'll Never Fall In Love Again. I'll Walk Alone. I'm A Dreamer Aren't We All. I'm All Smiles. I'm Getting Sentimental Over You. I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outa My Hair. I'm Sitting on Top of the World. I've Got Your Number. If This Isn't Love. If You Never Come To Me. Inutil paisagem. In The Arms Of Love. In The Blue Of Evening. Invitation. Isn't This A Lovely Day. To Be Caught In The Rain. It Was A Very Good Year. It Was Written In The Stars. It's A Grand Night For Singing. It's A Pity To Say Goodnight. It's Impossible. Somos Novios. Jambalaya. On the Bayou. Jazzman. Joey, Joey, Joey. Johnny One-Note. Just For A Thrill. Lazy Afternoon. Let A Smile Be Your Umbrella. Let's Take An Old-Fashioned Walk. Lilli Marlene. Lili Marleen. The Love Nest. Luck Be A Lady. Mad About Him, Sad Without Him, How Can I Be Glad Without Him Blues. Mas Que Nada. Matchmaker. May You Always. Memphis In June. Midnight Train To Georgia. The Moon Of Manakoora. Moon Over Miami. More Today Than Yesterday. Mountain Greenery. Mr. Wonderful. Mrs. Robinson. My Cherie Amour. My Kind Of Girl. My Kind Of Town. Chicago Is. Never My Love. Never Never Land. Nice 'n' Easy. The Night Is Young. And You're So Beautiful. The Night We Called It A Day. Oh. Look At Me Now. Ole Buttermilk Sky. On A Little Street In Singapore. On Broadway. On The Other Side Of The Tracks. Once Upon A Summertime. Our Day Will Come. Don't Ever Go Away. Por Causa De Voce. Put Your Dreams Away. For Another Day. Puttin' on the Ritz. Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head. Real Live Girl. River, Stay 'Way From My Door. 'round Midnight. Rules Of The Road. Saturday Night. Is the Loneliest Night of the Week. Save The Bones For Henry Jones. Send in the Clowns. Shall We Dance. She Loves Me. She's Funny That Way. A Shine On Your Shoes. Shiny Stockings. Side by Side. Sit Down You're Rockin' The Boat. Smooth Operator. Softly As I Leave You. Somebody Else Is Taking My Place. Some Day. You'll Want Me To Want You. Someone To Light Up My Life. Se Todos Fossem Iguais A Voce. Somethin' Stupid. South Of The Border. Down Mexico Way. Squeeze Me. Still Crazy After All these Years. Strange Fruit. Stranger In Paradise. Sunny. Sure Thing. The Sweetheart Tree. The Swingin' Shepherd Blues. Taking A Chance On Love. That Sunday That Summer. If I Had To Choose. That's My Desire. Their Hearts Were Full Of Spring. Them There Eyes. Then I'll Be Tired Of You. There. I've Said It Again. There's No Business Like Show Business. This Guy's In Love With You. This Nearly Was Mine. The Thrill is Gone. Ticket To Ride. Top Hat, White Tie And Tails. Trains And Boats And Planes. Twilight Time. Twisted. Under A Blanket Of Blue. Wait Till You See Her. Walkin' After Midnight. The Way We Were. We Kiss In A Shadow. What Are You Doing New Year's Eve. What Is There To Say. What The World Needs Now Is Love. When I'm Not Near The Girl I Love. When Joanna Loved Me. When The World Was Young. When You're Smiling. The Whole World Smiles With You. Where Is Love. While We're Young. Why Don't We Do This More Often. Why Was I Born. Wild Is The Wind. With The Wind And The Rain In Your Hair. A Wonderful Guy. If You Are But A Dream. Yes Indeed. Yesterday, When I Was Young. Hier Encore. You Are My Sunshine. You Are So Beautiful. You Couldn't Be Cuter. You Go To My Head. You Turned The Tables On Me. You'd Be Surprised. You're the Cream in My Coffee. Devil May Care. The Late Late Show. Somewhere Along The Way. Don't Be That Way. I Miss You So. Have I Stayed Away Too Long. The Constant Rain. Chove Chuva. Ãguas De MarÃo. Waters Of March. Jazz 'N' Samba. SÃ DanÃo Samba.
El Vocal Reial Book - Volume III. Veu Alta. Compost per Diversos. Per Vocal. Fake Book. 440 pàgines. Publicat per Hal Leonard. HL.240391. ISBN 145840577X. 8.5x11 inches. Una increïble col · lecció de més de 300 cançons especialment per a cantants, incloent. Águas de Março. Aigües de març. Gairebé com estar enamorat. Qualsevol Lloc Penjo el meu barret Is Home. Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy. Brasil. Bridge Over Troubled Water. C'est Si Bon. És tan bo. A Child Is Born. Close Your Eyes. Dear Heart. Els diamants són el millor amic d'una noia. A baix l'amor. Per una vegada en la meva vida. Getting to Know You. Xerrada feliç. Harlem Nocturne. Hello, Dolly. M'estic posant sentimental sobre vostè. Si poguessis veure ara. Invitació. Luck Be a Lady. Lluna i sorra. On Broadway. On Green Dolphin Street. Fora d'aquest món. Puttin 'on the Ritz. Raindrops Keep Fallin 'o My Head. 'Round Midnight. Send in the Clowns. Mitjanes Brillants. Cantar. Segui vostè està Rockin 'the Boat. Lleugerament desafinada. Desafinat. Smooth Operator. Assolellat. Sunrise, Sunset. Prenent a Chance on Love. Retorçat. Mentre som joves. Tu ets la crema en el meu cafè. i més. Bye Bye Baby. Gravy Waltz. Dos mons diferents. En creuar el carreró de l'Álamo. L'home amb la Banya. Temps de qualitat. Walk On By. Hi havia una vegada. Magre de nadó. A Garden In The Rain. A cada vida ha de caure alguna pluja. Jo tanco els ulls. Somriure. Lovin 'You. Acabo de saber d'Amor. All Alone. All At Once vostè la mestressa. Key Largo. Toddy calenta. Onze In A Lifetime. Lluna I Arena. Hit That Jive Jack. Tots els meus Tomorrows. He Needs Em. Cent anys a partir d'avui. No fumi al llit. Estimo ser aquí amb tu. He de ser això o allò. Vaig a anar a remull. Smack Dab In The Middle. Gairebé com estar enamorat. Slow Hot Wind. Lujon. Si poguessis veure ara. No Other Love. O Ànec. L'Ànec. Salti per l'alegria. Only the Lonely. Close Your Eyes. And I Love Her. Heura. I quan moro. Potser que vostè estarà allà. Llums de la nit. A Child Is Born. Street Life. Qualsevol Lloc Penjo el meu barret Is Home. Dama. El poc que sabem. És un tio Reial Gone. Mentre ell em necessita. Where Are You. Brasil. Vine Dance With Em. Do It Again. De nou en el seu propi pati del darrere. Massa jove per anar Steady. Vull ser sideman. Make Believe. Aquí està a la Vida. Cantar. Vaig a ser fàcil de trobar. Turn Out The Stars. Amor Savi. Llaminadures, Bangles And Beads. Recordar. Sunrise, Sunset. Projecte de llei. Fora d'aquest món. Angoixes. Xerrada feliç. Per una vegada a la vida. Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy. El noi de la ciutat de Nova York. Vostè, el meu amor. Breezin 'Juntament amb la brisa. Bridge Over Troubled Water. Let Yourself Go. Brotherhood Of Man. Has canviat. Xiulant lluny la foscor. Una mesura i un Peck. Button Up Your Abric. Some Enchanted Evening. C'est Si Bon. Cabaret. Els colors de la meva vida. Vostè està mirant a mi. No vagi a estranys. Hola, bona èpoques. Estimo la meva dona. Estimada Ruby. Aquí està a The Losers. You Llauri There. Penso En Tu. Charada. Diuen que és la primavera. Flamenc. Cherokee. Indian Love Song. Up Jumped Primavera. Tancar Com pàgines d'un llibre. Compti cada estrella. Boogie Vaca Vaca. Dear Heart. Que li estan dedicats. Deep Purple. Una mica fora de to. Desafinat. Els diamants són el millor amic d'una noia. Dindi. ¿Escolto A Waltz. A baix l'amor. I Saw Stars. Si us plau, no parlar de mi Quan em van. Mr Lucky. Moment a moment. Fàcil ho fa. Get Happy. Every Breath You Take. Every Day I Have The Blues. Ev'rything Tinc. Feeling Good. A Felicidade. Cinquanta maneres de deixar al seu amant. Peu pla Floogee. The Fool On The Hill. So Many Stars. Quatre germans. Fuga Per Tinhorns. Getting to Know You. La noia que em casi. Arracades d'or. Vaig a construir una muntanya. On Green Dolphin Street. Guys And Dolls. Harlem Nocturne. Ell era massa bo per a mi. Ell és un rodamón. Heebie Jeebies. Hello, Dolly. Aquí em quedo. Hi-Heel Sneakers. Hit The Road To Dreamland. Holiday For Strings. Una casa no és una llar. I Ca Dream, No puc. Jo no Vull setembre The World On Fire. I Found a Million Dollar Baby. En una de cinc i deu centaus botiga. Em vaig perdre en els seus braços. Suposo que hauré de canviar el meu pla. Jo no hi havia ningú fins Vostè. Només vaig trucar per dir T'estimo. Estimo el meu nadó. La meva Baby Loves Em. I Never Knew. I Say A Little Prayer. I Wanna Be Loved By You. Seria bastant blau sobre vostè. Sempre estaré en amor amb vostè. Mai Vaig Fall In Love Again. Vaig Walk Alone. Sóc un somiador no Estem Tots. Estic All Smiles. M'estic posant sentimental sobre vostè. Vaig a rentar a aquest home Outa meu cabell. Estic assegut al cim del món. Tinc el seu número. Si això no és amor. Si mai s'acosten a mi. Inútil Paisagem. En Els Braços De Amor. A El Blava de la nit. Invitació. No és aquest un bell dia. To Be Caught In The Rain. Va ser un any molt bo. Estava escrit a les estrelles. És Una Gran Nit per cantar. És una llàstima per dir bona nit. És Impossible. Som Nuvis. Jambalaya. Al Bayou. Jazzman. Joey, Joey, Joey. Johnny One-Note. Tot just per un Thrill. Lazy Afternoon. Deixi un somriure ser el seu paraigua. Anem a fer una passejada a l'antiga. Lilli Marlene. Lili Marleen. The Love Nest. Luck Be A Lady. Bojos per Ell, trist sense ell, Com puc ser alegre sense ell Blaus. Mas Que Res. Matrimonier. Que sempre. Memphis Al juny. Midnight Train To Geòrgia. La Lluna De Manakoora. Moon Over Miami. Més que ahir. Mountain Greenery. Mr Wonderful. Mrs Robinson. My Cherie Amour. La meva classe de noia. La meva classe de ciutat. Chicago és. Mai meu Amor. Never Never Land. Nice 'n' Easy. La nit és jove. I vostè és tan bella. La nit que va cridar un dia. Ai. Look At Me Now. Ole Buttermilk Sky. En un petit carrer a Singapur. On Broadway. On The Other Side Of The Tracks. Onze Upon A Summertime. Our Day Will Come. No desapareix alguna vegada. Per Causa De Voce. Put Your Dreams visitant. D'altra dia. Puttin 'on the Ritz. Raindrops Keep Fallin 'On My Head. Una noia de veritat viu. Riu, Stay 'Way From My Door. Al voltant de la mitjanit. Regles de la carretera. Nit de dissabte. És la nit més sol de la setmana. Save The Bones For Henry Jones. Send in the Clowns. Shall We Dance. She Loves Em. És divertit d'aquesta manera. A Shine On Your Shoes. Mitjanes Brillants. Junts. Segui vostè està Rockin 'The Boat. Smooth Operator. Suaument Com Leave You. Somebody Else Està Prenent My Place. Some Day. Li agradaria que vull. Algú per il · luminar la meva vida. Es Tots Fossem Iguais Una Voce. Somethin 'Stupid. Sud de la Frontera. Down Mèxic Way. Squeeze Em. Encara boig després de tots aquests anys. Strange Fruit. Stranger In Paradise. Assolellat. Sure Thing. L'arbre Sweetheart. Blaus Pastor El Swingin '. Prenent A Chance On Love. Aquest diumenge Aquest estiu. Si hagués de triar. Aquest és el meu desig. Els seus cors estaven plens de Primavera. Them There Eyes. Llavors vaig a estar cansats de vostè. Hi. Ho he dit una altra vegada. Llums de candilejas. D'aquesta individu en amor amb vostè. Aquest Gairebé Was Mine. L'emoció s'ha anat. Ticket To Ride. Top Hat, White Tie and Tails. Els trens i els vaixells i avions. Twilight Time. Retorçat. Sota un mantell de blau. Espera a veure la seva. Walkin 'After Midnight. Tal com érem. We Kiss In A Shadow. Què estàs fent vigília d'Any Nou. El que cal dir. El que el món necessita ara és amor. Quan no estic a prop L'amor de la noia I. Quan Joanna Loved Em. Quan el món era jove. Quan vostè està somrient. El món somriu Whole With You. On és l'amor. Mentre som joves. Per què no ho fem això més sovint. Per què vaig néixer. Wild Is The Wind. Que el vent i la pluja a la cara. Un tipus meravellós. Si vostè és només un somni. Si de fet. Ahir, When I Was Young. Hier Encore. Vostè és el meu sol. You Are So Beautiful. No podia ser més bonic. You Go To My Head. Vostè va tornar a les taules en mi. Us sorprendria de. Tu ets la crema en el meu cafè. Devil May Care. The Late Late Show. Somewhere Along The Way. No ser d'aquesta manera. I Miss You So. He vaig estar fora massa temps. The Constant Rain. Chove Chuva. Aigües de Marao. Waters Of March. Jazz 'N' Samba. SÃ Danao Samba.