
Partitures $19.95


Eljen a Magyar. Grade 3.


Eljen a Magyar. Grau 3.


Eljen a Magyar. Polka schnell. Composed by Johann Strauss Jr.. 1825-1899. Arranged by Roger Niese. For Concert Band. Grade 3. Full score. Duration 3. 00. Published by Baton Music. BF.BM379-SCORE. Johann Strauss jr. composed a great amount of polka's, mazurka's and marsches to perform with his own orchestra that played on 'dance soirees' in Vienna. His polka opus 332 'Eljen a Magyar. Hungarian. Long Live the Magyar. , was first performed at the Redoutensaal building in Pest in March 1869. The work was dedicated 'to the Hungarian Nation'. The coda of the work features a fleeting quotation from the Rakoczi March, which Hector Berlioz had earlier utilized in his La damnation de Faust.


Eljen a Magyar. Schnell Polka. Compost per Johann Strauss Jr. 1825-1899. Arreglat per Roger Niese. Per a Banda de Concert. Grau 3. Partitura general. Durada 3. 00. Publicat per Baton Music. BF.BM379-SCORE. Johann Strauss jr. compost per una gran quantitat de la polca, la masurca i de marsches per dur a terme amb la seva pròpia orquestra que tocava a "vetllades de ball 'a Viena. La seva obra polka 332 'Eljen 1 Magyar. Hongarès. Visca el Magyar. , Es va dur a terme per primera vegada a l'edifici Redoutensaal a Pest març 1869. L'obra va ser dedicada "a la nació hongaresa". La coda de l'obra compta amb un pressupost fugaç del Rakoczi març, que Hector Berlioz havia utilitzat abans en la seva La Damnation de Faust.
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