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The Definitive Guitar Collection. Tom Petty. Electric Guitar sheet music. Guitar Tablature sheet music. Intermediate.Traducció
La Col · lecció Definitiva Guitarra. Tom Petty. Electricitat partitures Guitar. Full de tabulatura de guitarra de música. Intermedi.Original
The Definitive Guitar Collection by Tom Petty. For Guitar. Hal Leonard Guitar Recorded Versions. Authentic note-for-note transcriptions. Pop Rock and Classic Rock. Difficulty. medium. Guitar tablature songbook. Guitar tablature, standard notation, vocal melody, lyrics, chord names, guitar chord diagrams, guitar tab glossary and harmony part. 104 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.690499. ISBN 0634031600. With guitar tablature, standard notation, vocal melody, lyrics, chord names, guitar chord diagrams, guitar tab glossary and harmony part. Pop Rock and Classic Rock. 9x12 inches. 17 classics from Petty's vast repertoire, newly transcribed with tab. American Girl, Free Fallin', Into the Great Wide Open, Mary Jane's Last Dance and more. Guitar Recorded Versions are note-for-note transcriptions of guitar music taken directly off recordings. This series, one of the most popular in print today, features some of the greatest guitar players and groups from blues, rock, and heavy metal. Guitar Recorded Versions are transcribed by the best transcribers in the business. Every book contains notes and tablature. Free Fallin'. I Won't Back Down. Learning To Fly. Refugee. Don't Do Me Like That. Into The Great Wide Open. Runnin' Down A Dream. I Need To Know. Breakdown. Mary Jane's Last Dance. A Face in the Crowd. Stop Draggin' My Heart Around. American Girl. Don't Come Around Here No More. Here Comes My Girl. Listen To Her Heart. Even The Losers.Traducció
La Col · lecció de la guitarra definitiva per Tom Petty. Per Guitarra. Versions Hal Leonard Guitar Recorded. Autèntics transcripcions nota per nota. Pop Rock i Rock clàssic. Dificultat. mitjà. Cançoner tabulatura de guitarra. Tabulatura de guitarra, solfeig, melodia vocal, lletres, noms d'acords, diagrames d'acords de guitarra, guitarra glossari pestanya i harmonia part. 104 pàgines. Publicat per Hal Leonard. HL.690499. ISBN 0634031600. Amb tabulatura de guitarra, solfeig, melodia vocal, lletres, noms d'acords, diagrames d'acords de guitarra, guitarra glossari pestanya i harmonia part. Pop Rock i Rock clàssic. 9x12 polzades. 17 clàssics del vast repertori de Petty, recentment transcrites amb pestanya. American Girl, Free Fallin ', Into the Great Wide Open, últim ball de Mary Jane i més. Guitarra versions gravades són nota-per-nota transcripcions de música de guitarra pres directament de les gravacions. Aquesta sèrie, un dels més populars en la impressió avui en dia, compta amb alguns dels més grans guitarristes i grups de blues, rock i heavy metal. Guitarra versions gravades es van transcriure pels millors transcriptors en el negoci. Cada llibre conté notes i tabulatura. Free Fallin '. Jo no farà marxa enrere. Learning To Fly. Refugiat. No Do Em Like That. Into The Great Wide Open. Runnin 'Down A Dream. I Need To Know. Desglossament. Last Dance de Mary Jane. Un rostre en la multitud. Pare Draggin My Heart voltant. American Girl. No per aquí res més. Here Comes My Girl. Listen To Her Heart. Even The Losers.Peticions populars