
Partitures $31.95


Fantasia on Hungarian Folk Themes. Franz Liszt. Piano sheet music. Grade 4.


Fantasia sobre temes folklòrics hongaresos. Franz Liszt. Partitures per a piano. Grau 4.


Fantasia on Hungarian Folk Themes. for Piano and Orchestra. Composed by Franz Liszt. 1811-1886. Arranged by Jos van de Braak. For Piano and Concert Band. Grade 4. Full score. Duration 15. 00. Published by Baton Music. BF.BM541-SCORE. The Fantasia on Hungarian Folk melodies. Fantasie uber ungarische Volksmelodien. , commonly known in short form simply as the Hungarian Fantasy, is Franz Liszt's arrangement for piano and orchestra of his Hungarian Rhapsody No. 14, originally for solo piano. The Fantasia was written in 1852 and premiered in Pest on June 1, 1853, with Hans von Bulow as soloist and Ferenc Erkel conducting the orchestra. The bold, 'march like' main theme of the work, as in the version for solo piano, is the Hungarian folk song Mohac's Field, with a long-short-short-long rhythm.


Fantasia sobre temes folklòrics hongaresos. per a piano i orquestra. Composta per Franz Liszt. 1811-1886. Arreglat per Jos van de Braak. Per a piano i Banda de Concert. Grau 4. Partitura general. Durada 15. 00. Publicat per Baton Music. BF.BM541-SCORE. La Fantasia sobre melodies populars hongaresos. Fantasia sobre melodies populars hongareses. , Comunament coneguda en forma abreujada simplement com l'hongarès fantasia, és l'arranjament de Franz Liszt per a piano i orquestra de la seva Rapsòdia Hongaresa No. 14, originalment per a piano sol. El Fantasia va ser escrita el 1852 i estrenada a Pest l'1 de juny de 1853, amb Hans von Bulow com a solista i Ferenc Erkel dirigint l'orquestra. La negreta, marxa com tema principal de l'obra, com en la versió per a piano sol, és la cançó popular hongaresa Camp de Mohac, amb un ritme de llarg-curt-curt-llarg.
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