Partitures $5.95
Here's a Howdy Do. Collection. The King's Singers. Voice sheet music. Choir sheet music.
Heus aquí una Howdy Do. Col · lecció. Cantants del Rei. Partitures de veu. Partitures Cor.
Here's a Howdy Do. Collection. by The King's Singers. By Gilbert and Sullivan. For Choral. SATB. King's Singer's Choral. 64 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.8758505. These inventive settings of eight Gilbert & Sullivan favorites offer a multitude of musical rewards. Brilliant farce, understated spoof and delicate nuance are all present in abundance. Available. SATB Folio Collection, SATB Octavo Collection. Performance Time. Approx. 24. 40. Tit Willow. The Sun, Whose Rays Are All Ablaze. The Pirate King. Ah, Leave Me Not. A British Tar. Take A Pair Of Sparkling Eyes. Here's A Howdy Do. Brightly Dawns Our Wedding Day.
Heus aquí una Howdy Do. Col · lecció. per Cantants del Rei. Per Gilbert i Sullivan. Per Coral. SATB. Coral de Singer del Rei. 64 pàgines. Publicat per Hal Leonard. HL.8758505. Aquestes configuracions de la invenció de vuit Gilbert. Brilliant farsa, paròdia discret i delicat matís són presents en abundància. Disponible. SATB Foli Collection, SATB Vuitè Collection. Rendiment Temps. Aprox. 24. 40. Tit Willow. El sol, els raigs estan en flames. El Rei dels Pirates. Ah, deixeu-me No. A Tar britànica. Tome un parell d'ulls espurnejants. Aquí està una Howdy Do. Brillants albes nostre dia de noces.