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Broadway Presents. Audition Musical Theatre Anthology. Young Male Edition. Voice sheet music.
Presenta Broadway. Audició Musical Theatre Anthology. Home Jove Edició. Partitures de veu.
Broadway Presents. Audition Musical Theatre Anthology. Young Male Edition. 16-32 Bar Excerpts from Stage & Film, Specially Designed for Teen Singers. Edited by Lisa DeSpain. For Voice. Young Men's Edition. Book. CD. Vocal Collection. Vocal Collection. Broadway. Softcover with CD. 220 pages. Hal Leonard #36326. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.322356. ISBN 0739073419. Broadway. 9x12 inches. This book is a delightful collection of 100 excerpts of musical theatre songs designed especially for audition situations. These excerpts represent a great variety of shows that span decades of theatre history and a multitude of styles. Using the original vocal scores, the excerpts have been selected and adapted to help singers show off their best in a 16-32 bar audition cut. Includes audition tips, song set-up for each song, as well as vocal style and genre indexes, making this the most useful and relevant collection of its kind. CD accompaniment tracks are provided for all song excerpts. Songs include. 21 Guns. American Idiot. All That's Known. Spring Awakening. C'est Moi. Camelot. Evenin' Star. 110 in the Shade. Grow for Me. Little Shop of Horrors. If I Only Had a Brain. The Wizard of Oz. I'm Alive. Next to Normal. I'm Not That Smart. 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. It's No Problem. High Fidelity. Larger Than Life. My Favorite Year. Lay All Your Love on Me. Mamma Mia. Mister Cellophane. Chicago. Sandy. Grease. The Night That Goldman Spoke. Ragtime. The Proposal. Titanic. A New Musical. Take a Chance on Me. Little Women. They Were You. The Fantasticks. When I'm Not Near the Girl I Love. Finian's Rainbow. Where Do I Go. Hair. Who I'd Be. Shrek. ALL I CARE ABOUT. from 'Chicago'. MISTER CELLOPHANE. from 'Chicago'. RAZZLE DAZZLE. from 'Chicago'. THEY CAN'T TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME. from 'Shall We Dance'. EASY TO LOVE. from 'Anything Goes'. HEY THERE. from 'The Pajama Game'. I COULD WRITE A BOOK. from 'Pal Joey'. IF EVER I WOULD LEAVE YOU. from 'Camelot'. LET'S DO IT. LET'S FALL IN LOVE. from 'Paris'. NEW YORK NEW YORK. FROM 'ON THE TOWN'. ON THE STREET WHERE YOU LIVE. from 'My Fair Lady'. SINGIN' IN THE RAIN. from 'Singin' in the Rain'. COME BACK TO ME. from 'On A Clear Day You Can See Forever'. You're Getting To Be A Habit With Me. I Can't Be Bothered Now. I've Got Beginner's Luck. Desperado. CORNER OF THE SKY. from 'Pippin'. HEART. from 'Damn Yankees'. LUCKY TO BE ME. from 'On the Town'. WHEELS OF A DREAM. from 'Ragtime'. YOU ARE MY HOME. from 'The Scarlet Pimpernel'. ALL I NEED IS THE GIRL. from 'Gypsy'. BRUSH UP YOUR SHAKESPEARE. from 'Kiss Me Kate'. I CAN SEE IT. from 'The Fantasticks'. TOO DARN HOT. from 'Kiss Me, Kate'. SUDDENLY, SEYMOUR. from 'Little Shop of Horrors'. WHEN I GET MY NAME IN LIGHTS. from 'The Boy from Oz'. STREETS OF DUBLIN, THE. from 'A Man of No Importance'. Boulevard of Broken Dreams. INTO THE FIRE. from 'The Scarlet Pimpernel'. WHAT AM I DOIN'. from 'Closer than Ever'. SLIDE SOME OIL TO ME. from 'The Wiz'. LILY'S EYES. from 'The Secret Garden'. WINTER'S ON THE WING. from 'The Secret Garden'. AND THEY'RE OFF. from 'A New Brain'. I'D RATHER BE SAILING. from 'A New Brain'. ALONE IN THE UNIVERSE. from 'Seussical the Musical'. HOW LUCKY YOU ARE. from 'Seussical the Musical'. IT'S POSSIBLE. IN MCELLIGOT'S POOL. from 'Seussical the Musical'. THEY WERE YOU. from 'The Fantasticks'. I'VE GROWN ACCUSTOMED TO HER FACE. from 'My Fair Lady'. DAMES. from 'Dames'. I'M NOT THAT SMART. from 'The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee'. MY UNFORTUNATE ER. CTION. CHIP'S LAMENT. from 'The 25th Annual PUtnam County Spelling. YOU MUSTN'T KICK IT AROUND. from 'Pal Joey'. LOVE, I HEAR. from 'A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum'. WHEN I'M NOT NEAR THE GIRL I LOVE. from 'Finian's Rainbow'. WITH YOU. from 'Pippin'. Home. I WANT TO MAKE MAGIC. from 'Fame-The Musical'. DIFFERENT. from 'Honk'. IF I ONLY HAD A BRAIN. from 'The Wizard of Oz'. LARGER THAN LIFE. from 'My Favorite Year'. SANDY. from 'Grease'. THOSE WERE THE GOOD OLD DAYS. from 'Damn Yankees'. WHERE DO I GO. from 'Hair'. BRING ME MY BRIDE. from 'A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum'. C'EST MOI. from 'Camelot'. ALL THAT'S KNOWN. from 'Spring Awakening'. GROW FOR ME. from 'Little Shop of Horrors'. LADIES' CHOICE. from 'Hairspray'. NIGHT THAT GOLDMAN SPOKE AT UNION SQUARE, PART 1, THE. from 'Ragtime'. 21 GUNS A. A TWENTY-ONE GUNS. PERFECT FOR YOU. IT'S NO PROBLEM. from 'High Fidelity'. EVERYBODY SAYS DON'T. from 'Anyone Can Whistle'. FIT AS A FIDDLE. AND READY FOR LOVE. from 'Singin' In The Rain'. HAIR. from 'Hair'. HIGHWAY MILES. from 'The Flood'. HUSHABYE MOUNTAIN. from 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang'. I Love To Rhyme. I Married An Angel. I MET A GIRL. from 'Bells Are Ringing'. I WANT TO BE SEEN WITH YOU TONIGHT. from Funny Girl. IF THIS ISN'T LOVE. from 'Finian's Rainbow'. IF YOU CAN FIND ME, IM HERE. from 'Evening Primrose'. IN A LITTLE WHILE. from 'Once Upon A Mattress'. IT'S GOT TO BE LOVE. from 'On Your Toes'. ITÆS NOT ALRIGHT. from 'Striking 12'. LAST ONE PICKED. from 'Whoop-dee-doo. Lay All Your Love On Me. LONESOME POLECAT. from 'Seven Brides for Seven Brothers'. RAIN SONG, THE. from '110 In The Shade'. RUN AWAY WITH ME. from Unauthorized Biography. SONG OF LOVE. from 'Once Upon a Mattress'. Tell My Father. THERE ONCE WAS A MAN. from 'The Pajama Game'. WAIT TILL WE'RE SIXTY-FIVE. from 'On a Clear Day. You Can See Forever. JUST IN TIME. from ÃBells Are RingingÃ. HER FACE. from ÃCarnivalÃ. WHAT WOULD I DO IF I COULD FEEL. from ÃThe WizÃ. EVENINÆ STAR. from '110 in the Shade'. I'M CALM. from 'A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the ForumÃ. LEFT BEHIND. from ÃSpring AwakeningÃ. WHAT DO I NEED WITH LOVE. from ÃThoroughly Modern MillieÃ. IÆM ALIVE. PROPOSAL, THE. from ÃTitanicÃ. TAKE A CHANCE ON ME. from ÃLittle WomenÃ. WHO IÆD BE. from ÃShrek. The MusicalÃ.
Presenta Broadway. Audició Musical Theatre Anthology. Home Jove Edició. 16-32 Bar Extractes de l'etapa. Editat per Lisa DeSpain. Per veu. Homes joves d'Edició. Llibre. CD. Col · lecció Vocal. Col · lecció Vocal. Broadway. Tapa tova amb CD. 220 pàgines. Hal Leonard. Publicat per Hal Leonard. HL.322356. ISBN 0739073419. Broadway. 9x12 polzades. Aquest llibre és una amena col · lecció de 100 extractes de cançons de teatre musical dissenyat especialment per a situacions d'audició. Aquests extractes representen una gran varietat d'espectacles que abasten dècades de la història del teatre i una multitud d'estils. Ús de les partitures vocals originals, els fragments han estat seleccionades i adaptades per ajudar els cantants lluir el millor possible en un tall de 16-32 bar audició. Inclou consells audició, cançó posada a punt per a cada cançó, així com els índexs d'estil vocal i de gènere, fent d'aquesta la col · lecció més útil i rellevant del seu tipus. Pistes d'acompanyament CD es proporcionen per a tots els extractes de la cançó. Les cançons inclouen. 21 Guns. American Idiot. Tot el que és conegut. Despertar de Primavera. C'est Moi. Camelot. Estrella Bona nit. 110 in the Shade. Grow for Em. Little Shop of Horrors. Si només tingués un cervell. El mag d'Oz. Estic viu. Next to Normal. Jo no sóc tan intel · ligent. 25a edició de Putnam County Spelling Bee. No hi ha problema. Alta fidelitat. Larger Than Life. El meu any preferit. Lay All Your Love on Me. Déu meu. De Mister Cellophane. Chicago. Arenós. Greix. La nit en què Goldman Spoke. Rag-time. La Proposta. Titànic. A New Musical. Take a Chance on Me. Donetes. Eren Vostè. Els Fantasticks. Quan no estic a prop de l'amor de la noia I. Vall del arc de Sant Martí. On puc anar. Pèl. Qui Estaria. Shrek. Tot el que importa. de 'Chicago'. MISTER Cel · lofana. de 'Chicago'. Razzle Dazzle. de 'Chicago'. Ells no poden prendre això lluny de mi. de "Shall We Dance '. FÀCILS D'ESTIMAR. de "tot val". HEY THERE. de "The Pajama Game". Jo podria escriure un llibre. de "Pal Joey '. Si alguna vegada et deixaria. de 'Camelot'. ANEM A FER-HO. ANEM A LA CAIGUDA EN AMOR. de 'Paris'. NOVA YORK NEW YORK. D''A LA CIUTAT'. AL CARRER ON VOSTÈ VIU. de 'My Fair Lady'. Cantant sota la PLUJA. de "Singin 'in the Rain'. Menja Back To Em. d'"en un dia clar es pot veure per sempre '. T'estàs tornant un hàbit amb mi. No pot ser molestat Ara. Tinc sort del principiant. Forajido. RACÓ DEL CEL. de 'Pippin'. COR. des de 'Damn Yankees'. LUCKY A SER JO. de 'On the Town'. RODES D'UN SOMNI. des de 'Ragtime'. VOSTÈ ÉS EL MEU LLAR. des de "La pimpinella escarlata". TOT EL QUE NECESSITO ÉS LA NENA. de 'Gypsy'. Repassar SEU SHAKESPEARE. de 'Kiss Me Kate'. Puc veure-ho. 'De la Fantasticks'. Too Darn CALENTA. de "Kiss Me, Kate '. Tot d'una, SEYMOUR. des de "Little Shop of Horrors". QUAN VA ARRIBAR EL MEU NOM A LES LLUMS. from 'The Boy from Oz'. Carrers de Dublín, L'. de 'Un home sense importància'. Bulevard dels Somnis Trencats. AL FOC. des de "La pimpinella escarlata". Què estic fent '. des de "més a prop que mai". Feu lliscar una mica d'oli TO ME. from 'The Wiz'. Els ulls de Lily. de 'El jardí secret'. WINTER'S AL ALA. de 'El jardí secret'. I estan apagats. d '"un nou cervell'. Jo estaria navegant bastant. d '"un nou cervell'. SOLS A L'UNIVERS. des de 'Seussical el Musical'. La sort que tens. des de 'Seussical el Musical'. ÉS POSSIBLE. A PISCINA D'McElligot. des de 'Seussical el Musical'. EREN VOSTÈ. 'De la Fantasticks'. M'he acostumat a la seva cara. de 'My Fair Lady'. LADIES. des de 'Dames'. Jo no sóc tan intel · ligent. 'De la 25a Spelling Bee Comtat Anual de Putnam. MI ER LAMENTABLE. CCIÓ. LAMENT DE XIP. 'Del 25 d'Ortografia del Comtat de Putnam anual. VOSTÈ NO HA COLPEJAR IT AROUND. de "Pal Joey '. AMOR, sento. d'"una bon aspecte va succeir en la manera al fòrum '. QUAN NO ESTIC A PROP DE LA NENA T'ESTIMO. de 'vall del arc de Sant Martí ". AMB VOSTÈ. de 'Pippin'. Casa. VULL FER MÀGIA. de 'Fama-El Musical'. DIFERENT. des de 'Honk'. Si només tingués UN CERVELL. d'El Mag d'Oz '. MÉS GRAN QUE LA VIDA. des de "El meu any favorit". SANDY. de 'Grease'. Aquells eren els dies GOOD OLD. des de 'Damn Yankees'. ON VAIG. de 'Hair'. Bring Em MI NOVIA. d'"una bon aspecte va succeir en la manera al fòrum '. Sóc jo. de 'Camelot'. TOT AIXÒ ÉS CONEGUT. de 'Spring Awakening'. CRÉIXER PER MI. des de "Little Shop of Horrors". SELECCIÓ FEMENINA. de 'Hairspray'. LA NIT QUE GOLDMAN VA PARLAR EN UNION SQUARE, PART 1, L'. des de 'Ragtime'. 21 ARMES A. A vint canonades. PERFECTE PER VOSTÈ. No hi ha problema. de 'Alta Fidelitat'. Tothom diu NO. des de "Qualsevol persona pot xiular '. En bon estat físic. I LLESTOS PER L'AMOR. de "Singin 'In The Rain'. PÈL. de 'Hair'. MILERS DE CARRETERES. from 'The Flood'. Hushabye MUNTANYA. de 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang'. I Love To Rhyme. I Married An Angel. Vaig conèixer una noia. de "Bells Are Ringing". Jo vull que em vegin amb tu aquesta nit. from Funny Girl. SI AIXÒ NO ÉS AMOR. de 'vall del arc de Sant Martí ". SI POT TROBAR ME, Im Here. de "Onagra '. A QUAN POC. de 'Onze Upon A Mattress ". Ha de ser amor. de 'On Your Toes'. ITA † S NO BÉ. des de 'striking 12'. LAST ONE RECOLLIT. de "Whoop-dee-doo. Lay All Your Love On Em. Polecat SOLITARI. dels "Set núvies per a set germans". CANÇÓ PLUJA, LA. del '110 a l'ombra '. Fuig amb mi. des Unauthorized Biography. CANÇÓ D'AMOR. de 'Onze Upon a Mattress ". Digues al meu Pare. HI HAVIA UNA VEGADA UN HOME. de "The Pajama Game". Esperar fins que estiguem SEIXANTA-CINC. de 'On a Clear Day. Torna al meu. JUST A TEMPS. des ÃBells Són RingingÃ. LA SEVA CARA. des ÃCarnivalÃ. Què faria jo SI PODRIA SENTIR. des Athe Wiza. EVENINÃ † ESTRELLA. del '110 a l'ombra '. Estic tranquil. de 'Alguna cosa estrany va succeir en el camí cap a la Foruma. ES QUEDI ENRERE. des aMuelles AwakeningÃ. QUÈ NECESSITO AMB AMOR. des ÃThoroughly Modern MillieÃ. IA † M ALIVE. PROPOSTA, EL. des ÃTitanicÃ. Tenir una oportunitat en ME. Una mica de les Dones. OMS iA † D BE. des ÃShrek. El Musical.