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The Big Book of Disney Songs. Various. Viola sheet music.Traducció
El gran llibre de cançons de Disney. Vario. Full Viola música.Original
The Big Book of Disney Songs. Viola. Composed by Various. For Viola. Instrumental Folio. Softcover. 80 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.842621. ISBN 1458411397. 9x12 inches. This monstrous collection includes instrumental solos of more than 70 Disney classics. Beauty and the Beast. Can You Feel the Love Tonight. Friend like Me. It's a Small World. Mickey Mouse March. A Pirate's Life. Reflection. The Siamese Cat Song. A Spoonful of Sugar. Trashin' the Camp. Under the Sea. We're All in This Together. Written in the Stars. You've Got a Friend in Me. Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah. and dozens more. Once Upon A Dream. Circle Of Life. I Just Can't Wait To Be King. Hakuna Matata. Can you feel the love tonight. Beauty And The Beast. Sooner Or Later. Colors Of The Wind. Let's Get Together. If I Never Knew You. Love Theme from POCAHONTAS. Alice in Wonderland. You've Got A Friend In Me. God Help The Outcasts. Zero To Hero. Go The Distance. Sweet Surrender. Reflection. Written in the Stars. Trashin' The Camp. You'll Be In My Heart. Pop Version. When She Loved Me. My Funny Friend And Me. Where The Dream Takes You. The Ballad Of Davy Crockett. The Bare Necessities. Be Our Guest. Bella Notte. This Is The Night. Best Of Friends. Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo. The Magic Song. Breaking Free. We're All In This Together. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. You Are The Music In Me. Candle On The Water. Chim Chim Cher-ee. Cruella De Vil. A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes. Friend Like Me. He's A Tramp. How D'ye Do And Shake Hands. I'm Late. It's a Small World. Kiss the Girl. Lavender Blue. Dilly Dilly. Let's Go Fly A Kite. Little April Shower. The Lord Is Good To Me. Mickey Mouse March. Never Smile At A Crocodile. Part of Your World. A Pirate's Life. Saludos Amigos. Scales And Arpeggios. The Second Star To The Right. The Siamese Cat Song. So This Is Love. The Cinderella Waltz. Someone's Waiting For You. A Spoonful Of Sugar. These Are The Best Times. Toyland March. The Unbirthday Song. Under The Sea. Westward Ho, The Wagons. A Whale Of A Tale. A Whole New World. Winnie the Pooh. The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers. Wringle Wrangle. A Pretty Woman's Love. Yo Ho. A Pirate's Life For Me. You Can Fly. You Can Fly. You Can Fly. Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah. Someday. Esmeralda's Prayer.Traducció
El gran llibre de cançons de Disney. Violeta. Compost per Diversos. Per Viola. Foli Instrumental. Tapa tova. 80 pàgines. Publicat per Hal Leonard. HL.842621. ISBN 1458411397. 9x12 polzades. Aquesta col · lecció inclou monstruosa solos instrumentals de més de 70 clàssics de Disney. La Bella i la Bèstia. Pots sentir l'amor aquesta nit. Friend Like Em. És un món petit. Mickey Mouse March. A Pirate's Life. Reflexió. El gat siamès cançó. Una cullerada de sucre. Desbaratant Camp. Sota el mar. Estem tots junts en això. Escrit en les Estrelles. Vostè té un amic en mi. Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah. i dotzenes més. Onze Upon A Dream. Cercle de la vida. Tot just no puc esperar per ser rei. Hakuna Matata. Pots sentir l'amor aquesta nit. La Bella i la Bèstia. Tard o d'hora. Colors A El Vent. Reunim. Si no sabia que. Tema d'amor de POCAHONTAS. Alícia al País de les Meravelles. Vostè té un amic en mi. God Help The Outcasts. Zero a heroi. La Distància. Sweet Surrender. Reflexió. Escrit en les Estrelles. Desbaratant El Campament. Estaràs en el meu cor. Pop Version. When She Loved Em. My Funny Friend And Em. Quan el somni et porta. La balada de Davy Crockett. The Bare Necessities. Be Our Guest. Bella Notte. This Is The Night. Millor dels amics. Bibbidi Bobbidi-Boo-. La màgia de cançó. Breaking Free. Estem tots junts en això. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. You Are The Music In Em. Vela Al Aigua. Chim Chim Cher-ee. Cruella De Vil. Un somni és un desig que el seu cor fa. Friend Like Em. Ell és un rodamón. Com D'us faig i es donen la mà. Sóc endarrerit. És un món petit. Kiss the Girl. Lavanda Blau. Dilly Dilly. Anem Go Fly A Kite. Poc Dutxa abril. El Senyor és bo per a mi. Mickey Mouse March. Mai somrigui en un cocodril. Part del teu Món. A Pirate's Life. Salutacions Amics. Escales i Arpegis. La segona estrella a la dreta. El gat siamès cançó. Així que això és amor. La Ventafocs Waltz. Algú t'està esperant. A Spoonful Of Sugar. Aquests són els millors temps. Toyland març. El Unbirthday cançó. Under The Sea. Westward Ho, The Wagons. Una balena d'un conte. A Whole New World. Winnie the Pooh. El Bé De Tiggers. Wringle Wrangle. L'amor d'una dona bonica. Jo Ho. La vida d'un pirata per a mi. You Can Fly. You Can Fly. You Can Fly. Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah. Algun dia. Oració d'Esmeralda.Peticions populars
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