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The Ultimate White Pages - Guitar Volume 1. Electric Guitar sheet music. Guitar Tablature sheet music. Intermediate.


The Ultimate White Pages - Instruments Volum 1. Electricitat partitures Guitar. Full de tabulatura de guitarra de música. Intermedi.


The Ultimate White Pages - Guitar Volume 1. 230 Songs. Edited by Aaron Stang. For Guitar. Guitar Mixed Folio. Guitar TAB. Fretted instrument mixed folio. Guitar tablature. Pop and Rock. Difficulty. medium. Guitar tablature songbook. Guitar tablature, standard notation, vocal melody, lyrics, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. 1090 pages. Alfred Music #GFM0311. Published by Alfred Music. HL.321438. ISBN 0757914144. With guitar tablature, standard notation, vocal melody, lyrics, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. Pop and Rock. 9x12 inches. Larger than "the largest" collection of Authentic Guitar Transcriptions ever published before. Over 230 songs, in complete authentic tab transcriptions. Well over 1000 pages. This is a self-contained complete guitar reference library spanning the classic rock era right through the modern rock era. Everything from the Beatles to Limp Bizkit. Sour Girl. Old Man. Southern Man. All The Young Dudes. Aqualung. Beautiful. Bridge Of Sighs. Call Me. Changes. Cross Eyed Mary. Eyes Without A Face. Fame. I'd Love To Change The World. Locomotive Breath. One Way Or Another. Perfect. Rebel Yell. Suffragette City. Tonight, Tonight. Warrior, The. White Wedding. Miserlou. New World Man. Tom Sawyer. Tighten Up. Walking To New Orleans. Do You Want To Know A Secret. Ain't That A Shame. Blue Monday. Free Fallin'. Stop Draggin' My Heart Around. You Got Lucky. Casey Jones. Sugar Magnolia. Truckin'. Uncle John's Band. Sixteen Candles. You Really Got Me. Down On The Corner. Fortunate Son. Good Golly Miss Molly. Have You Ever Seen the Rain. Proud Mary. Drive. My Best Friend's Girl. Europa. Earth's Cry, Heaven's Smile. Rikki Don't Lose That Number. Runaround Sue. Wanderer, The. Wipe Out. Runaway. Rock Around The Clock. Peter Gunn. Never Going Back Again. Chain, The. Crying. Oh, Pretty Woman. Only The Lonely. Know The Way I Feel. More Than A Feeling. Rock & Roll Band. Evil Ways. Heart Of Gold. Big Yellow Taxi. Woodstock. Take It Easy. Unskinny Bop. Society's Child. Be My Baby. Addicted To Love. Amanda. American Pie. Bad Religion. Blue Velvet. Born To Be Wild. Boys Are Back In Town, The. California Dreamin'. Creeque Alley. Daniel. Date Rape. Dedicated To The One I Love. Distance, The. Doin' Time. Fernando. Ferry 'Cross The Mersey. Freebird. Funk #49. Hello Mary Lou, Goodbye Heart. Hemorrhage. Honky Tonk. House On Pooh Corner. I Wanna Hold Your Hand. I Will Follow Him. In The Summertime. Ironic. Keep A Knockin'. Kryptonite. Let It Be Me. Lick It Up. Lightning Strikes. Livin' On A Prayer. Loser. Love Gun. Macarthur Park. Magic Carpet Ride. Nights In White Satin. Peg. Please, Please Me. Rock And Roll All Nite. Rocket Man. Rocky Mountain Way. San Francisco. Be Sure To Wear Some Flowers In Your Hair. Secret Agent Man. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes. Stay. I Missed You. Stroll, The. Sunday Will Never Be The Same. Sweet Home Alabama. Town Without Pity. Uninvited. Vincent. Starry, Starry Night. Voodoo. Words Of Love. You Give Love A Bad Name. You Learn. Your Song. Wanted Dead Or Alive. Saturday Night Special. Beat Goes On, The. Burning Down the House. Crazy Love. Freedom Rider. Gimmie Some Lovin'. Higher And Higher. Horse With No Name, A. House Of The Rising Sun, The. I Got You Babe. I Only Have Eyes For You. I Wanna Be Sedated. I Want To Walk You Home. I'm Walkin'. In-A-Gadda-Da-Vidda. John Barleycorn. Long Distance Runaround. Low Spark Of High Heel Boys, The. My Special Angel. Night They Drove Old Dixie Down, The. People Get Ready. Personality Crisis. Psycho Killer. Roundabout. She's Not There. Sheena Is A Punk Rocker. Sister Golden Hair. Summertime Blues. Time of the Season. Trash. When A Man Loves A Woman. Wild Night. For What It's Worth. Girls, Girls, Girls. Long Train Runnin'. Road, The. Cocaine. Drag The Waters. Mouth For War. Only God Knows Why. Strength Beyond Strength. After Midnight. Can't Cry Anymore. Can't Get Enough Of You Baby. Cathedral. Change. In the House of Flies. Closing Time. Don't Speak. Every Morning. Everything You Want. Foolish Games. Good Riddance. It's My Party. James Bond Theme. Just A Girl. Listen To The Music. Minority. Moondance. One Headlight. One Of Us. Sex And Candy. Strong Enough. Takin' It to the Streets. Three Marlenas. When It's Love. Who Will Save Your Soul. Who's Crying Now. You Were Mean't For Me. You're A God. Freak On A Leash. Got The Life. Sunny Came Home. Stage Fright. Domino. Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood. Forty Miles of Bad Road. Layla. Layla. Unplugged. Mrs. Brown You've Got a Lovely Daughter. Papa's Got a Brand New Bag. Ramrod. Sunshine of Your Love. Tears In Heaven. This Diamond Ring. You Don't Own Me. Young Girl. Send Her My Love. Hotel California. All I Want To Do. All Star. Fly. Eruption. Jump. Runnin' With The Devil. Miss You In A Heartbeat. N 2 Gether Now. Nookie. Photograph. Prowler. Remember Tomorrow. Rollin'. Sanctuary. Strange World. These Dreams.


The Ultimate White Pages - Instruments Volum 1. 230 cançons. Editat per Aaron Stang. Per Guitarra. Guitarra Foli Mixta. TAB Guitarra. Instrument amb trasts foli mixta. Tabulatura de guitarra. Pop i el Rock. Dificultat. mitjà. Cançoner tabulatura de guitarra. Tabulatura de guitarra, solfeig, melodia vocal, lletres, noms d'acords i diagrames d'acords de guitarra. 1090 pàgines. Альфред Музыка. Publicat per Alfred Music. HL.321438. ISBN 0757914144. Amb tabulatura de guitarra, solfeig, melodia vocal, lletres, noms d'acords i diagrames d'acords de guitarra. Pop i el Rock. 9x12 polzades. Més gran que "el més gran" col · lecció d'autèntics transcripcions per a guitarra que s'hagi publicat abans. Més de 230 cançons, en les transcripcions completes de tabulació autèntics. Més de 1.000 pàgines. Es tracta d'una biblioteca de referència de guitarra completa autocontinguda que abasta l'era del rock clàssic de la dreta a través de l'era del rock modern. Tot, des dels Beatles a Limp Bizkit. Sour Girl. Old Man. Southern Man. All The Young Dudes. Escafandre autònom. Bell. Pont Dels Sospirs. Trucar. Canvis. Cross Eyed Mary. Els ulls sense rostre. Fama. Estimaria canviar el món. Locomotive Breath. One Way Or Another. Perfecte. Rebel Yell. Suffragette City. Aquesta nit, aquesta nit. Warrior, The. White Wedding. Miserlou. Home Nou Món. Tom Sawyer. Prémer. Caminar per Nova Orleans. Do You Want To Know A Secret. No és una vergonya. Blue Monday. Free Fallin '. Pare Draggin My Heart voltant. You Got Lucky. Casey Jones. Sugar Magnolia. Truckin. Band de l'oncle John. Sixteen Candles. You Really Got Em. Down On The Corner. Fortunate Són. Good Golly Miss Molly. Has vist mai la pluja. Proud Mary. Drive. Noia del meu millor amic. Europa. El crit de la Terra, el somriure del cel. Rikki No perdi aquest nombre. Runaround Sue. Wanderer, The. Netejar. Fugitiu. Rock Around The Clock. Peter Gunn. Mai tornaré de nou. Cadena, La. Plor. Oh, Pretty Woman. Only the Lonely. Conegui The Way I Feel. More Than A Feeling. Roca. Evil Ways. Heart Of Gold. Big Yellow Taxi. Woodstock. Take It Easy. Unskinny Bop. Nen de la Societat. Be My Baby. Addictes a l'amor. Amanda. American Pie. Bad Religion. Blue Velvet. Nascut per ser salvatge. Boys Are Back In Town, The. California Dreamin '. Creeque Carreró. Daniel. Data de Violació. Dedicated To The One I Love. Distància, La. Doin 'Time. Fernando. Creu Ferry 'The Mersey. Freebird. Испуг. Hello Mary Lou, Goodbye Cor. Hemorràgia. Honky Tonk. Casa En Pooh Corner. I Wanna Hold Your Hand. I Will Follow Him. In The Summertime. Irònic. Keep A Knockin '. Kryptonite. Let It Be Me. Lick It Up. Lightning Strikes. Livin 'On A Prayer. Perdedor. Love Gun. Parc MacArthur. Magic Carpet Ride. Nights In White Satin. Clavilla. Si us plau, Please Em. Rock And Roll All Nite. Rocket Man. Rocky Mountain Way. Sant Francesc. Assegura't de portar algunes flors en els seus cabells. Secret Agent Man. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes. Romandre. Li vaig faltar. Passeig, La. Diumenge Will Never Be The Same. Sweet Home Alabama. Ciutat sense pietat. No convidat. Vincent. Starry, Starry Night. Vudú. Words Of Love. You Give Love A mal nom. Aprens. Your Song. Wanted Dead Or Alive. Saturday Night Special. Beat Goes On, The. Cremar la casa. Crazy Love. Genet de la llibertat. Gimmie Some Lovin '. Més i més alt. Horse With No Name, A. House Of The Rising Sun, The. I Got You Babe. Tinc només ulls per a vostè. I Wanna Be Sedated. I Want To Walk You Home. Sóc Walkin '. In-A-Gadda-Da-Vidda. John Barleycorn. Long Distance Runaround. Low Spark Of High Heel Nois, La. My Special Angel. Nit conduir Old Dixie sota, La. People Get Ready. Personality Crisis. Psycho Killer. Rotonda. Ella no hi és. Sheena Is A Punk Rocker. Sister Golden Hair. Summertime Blues. Temps de la Temporada. Escombraries. Quan Un Home Estima A Una Dona. Wild Night. Pel que val. Girls, Girls, Girls. Long Train Runnin '. Road, El. Cocaïna. Arrossegueu Les Aigües. Mouth for War. Només Déu sap per què. Strength Beyond Strength. Després de mitjanit. No es pot Cry Anymore. Can't Get Enough Of You Baby. Catedral. Canvi. A la Casa de les Mosques. Hora de tancament. No Speak. Every Morning. Tot el que desitja. Jocs Foolish. Good Riddance. És el meu partit. James Bond Theme. Just A Girl. Escolti La Música. Minoria. Moondance. Un Far. One Of Us. Sexe i dolços. Strong Enough. Takin 'It to the Streets. Tres Marlenas. Quan és amor. Who Will Save Your Soul. Qui està plorant ara. You Were mean't For Me. Ets un Déu. Freak On A Leash. Got The Life. Sunny Came Home. Stage Fright. Va dominar. No Let Em Be Misunderstood. Quaranta Milers of Bad Road. Layla. Layla. Unplugged. Mrs Brown tens una filla encantadora. Got A Brand New Bag Papa. Baqueta. Sunshine of Your Love. Tears In Heaven. This Diamond Ring. No és amo de mi. Noia jove. Enviar Her My Love. Hotel California. All I Wanna Do. All Star. Volar. Erupció. Jump. Runnin 'With The Devil. Miss You In A Heartbeat. N 2 Gether Ara. Nookie. Fotografia. Rondaire. Remember Tomorrow. Rollin '. Santuari. Estrany Món. Aquests somnis.