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Yellow Submarine. The Beatles. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music. Intermediate.


Yellow Submarine. Els Beatles. Piano, Veu, partitures Guitarra. Partitures de veu. Partitures de guitarra. Intermedi.


Yellow Submarine by The Beatles. For Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Piano. Vocal. Guitar Artist Songbook. Classic Rock, Britpop and Psychedelic Rock. Difficulty. medium. Songbook. Vocal melody, piano accompaniment, lyrics, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. 72 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.313146. ISBN 0634010360. With vocal melody, piano accompaniment, lyrics, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. Classic Rock, Britpop and Psychedelic Rock. 9x12 inches. Our matching folio to the re-released movie's soundtrack features 15 classic songs, including. All Together Now. All You Need Is Love. Baby You're a Rich Man. Eleanor Rigby. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. Nowhere Man. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. When I'm Sixty-Four. With a Little Help from My Friends. Yellow Submarine. and more. All Together Now. All You Need Is Love. Baby You're A Rich Man. Eleanor Rigby. Hey Bulldog. It's All Too Much. Love You To. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds. Nowhere Man. Only A Northern Song. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Think For Yourself. When I'm Sixty-Four. With A Little Help From My Friends. Yellow Submarine.


Yellow Submarine dels Beatles. Per Piano. Vocal. Guitarra. Pla. Vocal. Guitar Songbook d'Artista. Classic Rock, Britpop i Psychedelic Rock. Dificultat. mitjà. Cançoner. Melodia vocal, acompanyament de piano, lletres de cançons, noms d'acords i diagrames d'acords de guitarra. 72 pàgines. Publicat per Hal Leonard. HL.313146. ISBN 0634010360. Amb la melodia vocal, acompanyament de piano, lletres de cançons, noms d'acords i diagrames d'acords de guitarra. Classic Rock, Britpop i Psychedelic Rock. 9x12 polzades. Our matching folio to the re-released movie's soundtrack features 15 classic songs, including. All Together Now. Tot el que necessites és amor. Nadó Vostè és un home ric. Eleanor Rigby. Lucy al cel amb diamants. Nowhere Man. Sergent. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. Quan sóc seixanta-quatre. Amb una mica d'ajuda dels meus amics. Yellow Submarine. i més. All Together Now. Tot el que necessites és amor. Bebè vostè és un home ric. Eleanor Rigby. Hey Bulldog. És tot el massa. Love You To. Lucy al cel amb diamants. Nowhere Man. Only A Northern Song. Sergent. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. Pensa per tu mateix. Quan sóc seixanta-quatre. Amb una mica d'ajuda dels meus Amics. Yellow Submarine.