
Partitures $77.27


Olivier Messiaen. Technique de mon Langage Musical. Sheet Music. Study Guide. STGD. Olivier Messiaen.


Olivier Messiaen. Tècnica de la meva Llenguatge Musical. Partitures. Guia d'estudi. STGD. Olivier Messiaen.


Being a fascinatingly unique composer, Olivier Messiaen pushes the conventions of composition to its very limits. The composer's music remains ever-popular and The Technique of my Musical Language provides the key and necessary knowledge in to the study of his delightful music. Olivier Messiaen. 1908-1992. was admitted to the Paris Conservatoire at the mere age of 11, where he won many prizes. As a passionate ornithologist, as well as organist and composer, many of Messiaen 's works depict bird song. His music is rhythmically complex and harmonically and melodically distinct, often using modes of limited transposition. It is for these reasons that the composer compiled The Technique of my Musical Language. The book contains text with musical examples, describing unique elements of his music, such as ametrical music, his rhythmic notations and his modes of limited transposition, among many others. For all fans of Messiaen , The Technique of my Musical Language is essential to the understanding of the composer's much loved music.


Being a fascinatingly unique composer, Olivier Messiaen pushes the conventions of composition to its very limits. The composer's music remains ever-popular and The Technique of my Musical Language provides the key and necessary knowledge in to the study of his delightful music. Olivier Messiaen. 1908-1992. va ser admès al Conservatori de París en la mera edat de 11 anys, on va guanyar molts premis. Com ornitòleg apassionat, així com a organista i compositor, moltes de les obres Messiaen 's representen cant dels ocells. La seva música és rítmicament complexa i harmònica i melòdicament diferent, sovint usant els modes de transposició limitada. És per aquestes raons que el compositor va compilar la tècnica de la meva Llenguatge Musical. El llibre conté el text amb exemples musicals, descrivint els elements singulars de la seva música, com la música ametrical, les seues notacions rítmiques i les seves maneres de transposició limitada, entre molts altres. Per a tots els fans de Messiaen, la tècnica del meu llenguatge musical és essencial per a la comprensió de tota la música estimada del compositor.