
Partitures $189.42


KRK Rokit 5 G3 Active Monitor. Single.


KRK Rokit 5 G3 Monitor actiu. Només.


The KRK Rokit 5 Monitor offers professional performance and accuracy for recording, mixing, mastering and playback. The Monitor is made up of a 1” soft dome tweeter and 5” glass-Aramid composite woofer. This speaker is in black with a yellow cone. KRK Systems is one of the world’s most respected manufacturers of studio reference monitors. In their state of the art design facility, KRK engineers create products that deliver natural and balanced spectral response with low distortion and superior imaging. KRK Studio Monitors have been the professional’s choice of recording engineers and artists for mixing and mastering hit records around the globe, as they need to hear every nuance of the audio being reproduced. KRK ROKIT Generation 3 monitors continue in this design philosophy, so regardless of your musical style, genre, or particular mixing needs, KRK Rokits deliver. Delivering high frequencies up to 35kHz, vocal clarity and extended bass response. The proprietary bi-amped, class A. B amplifier grants SPL up to 106dB. The ROKIT waveguide is designed to ensure detailed imaging in the listening position. The front-firing bass port reduces boundary coupling to allow flexible positioning in the room while the engineered surface reduces diffraction distortion. Multiple input connections ensure the ROKIT 5 G3 will easily integrate in any system configuration. As one of the most used Studio monitors in the world, the ROKIT 5 G3 Active Monitor is a high-quality valuable and compact solution towards an accurate mix.


The KRK Rokit 5 Monitor offers professional performance and accuracy for recording, mixing, mastering and playback. The Monitor is made up of a 1” soft dome tweeter and 5” glass-Aramid composite woofer. This speaker is in black with a yellow cone. KRK Systems és un dels fabricants més respectats del món de monitors d'estudi. En el seu estat de la instal·lació tècnica de disseny, enginyers de KRK creen productes que ofereixen resposta espectral natural i equilibrat, amb una baixa distorsió i una imatge superior. Monitors KRK estudi han estat l'elecció dels professionals de l'enregistrament d'enginyers i artistes per barrejar i masteritzar discos d'èxit a tot el món, ja que han d'escoltar tots els matisos de l'àudio que es reprodueix. KRK ROKIT Generació 3 monitors continuar en aquesta filosofia de disseny, de manera que independentment del seu estil, gènere o necessitats particulars de mescles musicals, KRK Rokits lliuraments. Delivering high frequencies up to 35kHz, vocal clarity and extended bass response. La propietària bi-amplificat, classe A. B amplifier grants SPL up to 106dB. The ROKIT waveguide is designed to ensure detailed imaging in the listening position. El port de greus emissió frontal redueix l'acoblament límit per permetre una col·locació flexible a l'habitació mentre la superfície d'enginyeria redueix la distorsió de difracció. Multiple input connections ensure the ROKIT 5 G3 will easily integrate in any system configuration. As one of the most used Studio monitors in the world, the ROKIT 5 G3 Active Monitor is a high-quality valuable and compact solution towards an accurate mix.