
Partitures $63.13


Vox. amPlug - Metal Style.


Vox. amPlug - Metall Estil.


The headphone Guitar amp that lets you enjoy serious Guitar sound, fast. Jamming late at night. Don't want to wake the neighbors. Maybe you want to work out a lick with your MP3 player without taking the time to set up your amp. You want to play Guitar right now. amPlug is the answer. Simply plug this palm-sized headphone Guitar amp directly into your Guitar, and enjoy serious Guitar sound anywhere, anytime. Metal uses two stages of ultra-high gain plus a mid-cut circuit, giving you modern metal high-gain sound anywhere and anytime.


L'amplificador de guitarra per auriculars que et permet gaudir de so de la guitarra seriosa i ràpida. Jamming a altes hores de la nit. No vull despertar els veïns. Potser vostè vol trobar una lama amb el seu reproductor MP3 sense trobar el temps per configurar l'amplificador. Si vol tocar la guitarra en aquest moment. amPlug és la resposta. Només has de connectar aquest amplificador de guitarra per auriculars palmell de la mà directament en la seva guitarra, i gaudir del so de la guitarra seriosa en qualsevol lloc, en qualsevol moment. Metal uses two stages of ultra-high gain plus a mid-cut circuit, giving you modern metal high-gain sound anywhere and anytime.