Partitures $12.55
Chris Hunt. Blues By The Bar. Sheet Music, CD. Guitar. GTR. Chris Hunt.
Chris Caça. Blues per The Bar. Partitures, CD. Guitarra. GTR. Chris Caça.
Cool Riffs That Sound Great over Each Portion of the Blues Progression. If you're a guitarist who's learned the pentatonic scale up and down the neck but still asks, During a solo, how do I know what to play and when to play it. , then this book is for you. Its goal is to give you a variety of great blues licks that you can put together bar by bar to create a complete blues solo. Covers. the 12-bar blues progression, cool riffs, complete solos and more. The CD features Music Minus Me tracks that let you play along as the featured soloist.
Cool Riffs That Sound Great over Each Portion of the Blues Progression. Si ets un guitarrista que ha après l'escala pentatònica amunt i avall del coll, però encara pregunta, durant un sol, com puc saber a què jugar i quan toco. , Llavors aquest llibre és per a vostè. El seu objectiu és donar-li a vostè una gran varietat de licks de blues que es pot armar compàs per compàs per crear un complet blaus en solitari. Cobertes. la progressió blues de 12 compassos, riffs frescos, sols complets i més. El CD compta amb música Minus Em pistes que li permeten tocar al costat com a solista.