
Partitures $29.91


Giles Swayne. Epitaph And Refrain Op.89. Score. Sheet Music. Flute, French Horn, Viola, Harp. FLT. HN. VLA. HARP. Giles Swayne.


Giles Swayne. Epitaph i abstenir Op.89. Puntuació. Partitures. Flute, French Horn, Viola, Harp. FLT. HN. VLA. HARP. Giles Swayne.


Giles Swayne wrote this piece to commemorate the life of his brother-in-law, Nii Sackey Codjoe, who came to England from Ghana as an illegal worker. Sackey's goal was to make money to give himself a better future in his home country, but he was made redundant with the result that his life fell apart. He gambled and drank away all the money he had saved, and eventually died of heart failure. Sackey's story is all too common, but none the less tragic for that. He left no children, and his warmth and laughter were blotted out by a world for which he was not adequately equipped, leaving nothing behind. Nobody except a handful of kind Ghanaian church people came to his cremation, which was paid for by the hospital where he died. In the piece, a simple 25-bar refrain is gradually transformed, recurring four times. These four refrains are interspersed by four episodes, which give a musical portrait of aspects of Sackey's life and character. After the fourth refrain comes the final section, Valediction, in which we hear his pulse. represented by flute, horn and viola. falter and cease, while the harp quietly plays the melody of a hymn which was a favourite of Sackey's. "Rock of ages cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee.


Giles Swayne va escriure aquesta peça per commemorar la vida del seu germà-en-llei, Nii Sackey Codjoe, que va arribar a Anglaterra des de Ghana com un treballador il·legal. L'objectiu de Sackey era fer diners per donar-se un futur millor al seu país natal, però va ser acomiadat amb el resultat que la seva vida es va enfonsar. Va apostar i va beure tots els diners que havia estalviat, i, finalment, va morir d'insuficiència cardíaca. La història de Sackey és molt comú, però no és menys tràgica perquè. Va deixar sense fills, i la seva calidesa i el riure es va esborrar per un món per al qual no estava equipat adequadament, sense deixar res enrere. Ningú, excepte un grapat de gent amable de l'església de Ghana va arribar al seu cremació, que va ser pagat per l'hospital, on va morir. En la peça, un simple 25-bar tornada es transforma a poc a poc, es repeteix quatre vegades. Aquests quatre tornades estan intercalades per quatre episodis, que donen un retrat musical d'aspectes de la vida i el caràcter de Sackey. Després de la quarta tornada ve la part final, Valediction, en la qual escoltem el seu pols. representat per la flauta, trompa i viola. flaquejar i parar, mentre que l'arpa juga tranquil·lament la melodia d'un himne que era un dels favorits de Sackey de. "Rock of Ages fes per mi, Déjame amagar-me en tu.