
Partitures $61.49


Olivier Messiaen. Treatise on rhythm, colour and ornithology - Tome IV. Sheet Music. Olivier Messiaen.


Olivier Messiaen. Treatise on rhythm, colour and ornithology - Tome IV. Partitures. Olivier Messiaen.


Part of the Treatise on rhythm, colour and ornithology written in French by Olivier Messiaen , this volume is the fourth of the 7 tomes. This volume focuses on plainsongs, and the accentuations in Mozart's pieces. It features the analysis of the 'The Whitsun Mass for Organ', and of the '21 concerti for Piano and Orchestra' by Mozart. This treatise depicts the full theory behind Messiaen ’s compositions and how he composed the music, including his conception of rhythms, his incorporation of birdsong and his relation to sound and colours. While most of the composers struggle to explain their composition, Messiaen has managed to write a Treatise in 7 volumes to explain all the important aspects of his work. Olivier Messiaen. 1908-1992. was a French organist and composer passionate about Ornithology and one of the most important composer of his century. Inspired by Japanese music, he had a very special way of composing and his work can be identified by its complexity, its diatonic aspect, its harmony with limited transposition, its colour and its additive rhythms. He composed many works related to ornithology and birdsong, including the 'Bird Catalogue' in 7 volumes.


Part of the Treatise on rhythm, colour and ornithology written in French by Olivier Messiaen , this volume is the fourth of the 7 tomes. This volume focuses on plainsongs, and the accentuations in Mozart's pieces. It features the analysis of the 'The Whitsun Mass for Organ', and of the '21 concerti for Piano and Orchestra' by Mozart. Aquest tractat representa tota la teoria darrere de composicions Messiaen 's i com va compondre la música, incloent la seva concepció de ritmes, la seva incorporació de cant dels ocells i la seva relació amb el so i els colors. Si bé la majoria dels compositors lluiten per explicar la seva composició, Messiaen ha aconseguit escriure un tractat en 7 volums per explicar tots els aspectes importants de la seva obra. Olivier Messiaen. 1908-1992. va ser un organista i compositor francès apassionat d'Ornitologia i un el compositor més important del seu segle. Inspirat per la música japonesa, que tenia una forma molt especial de compondre i la seva obra es pot identificar per la seva complexitat, el seu aspecte diatònica, la seva harmonia amb la transposició limitada, el seu color i els seus ritmes additius. Va compondre nombroses obres relacionades amb l'ornitologia i cant dels ocells, incloent-hi el 'Bird Catalogue' en 7 volums.