Lletres: Александр Рыбак. If You Were Gone.
If you were gone the moon would lose it's brightness
Without your smile the finch would sing no more
And once in a while some waves would said with sadness
Remembering two lovers walking by the shore
If you were gone the days would all be pointless
And in the night I'd sing the song so blue
A song about spring and every happy moment
When I had all the time along with you
But you're right here and nothing could be better
So take my hand and stay with me till dark
And while the wind is playing with your sweater
I can't imagine life if you were gone...
If you were gone the world would lose it's meaning
Without your love how could I smile again
And though the sun would always keep on shining
I'd never shine without my dearest friend
But you're right here and nothing could be better
So take my hand and stay with me to dark
And while the wind is playing with your sweater
I can't imagine life if you were gone...
Without your smile the finch would sing no more
And once in a while some waves would said with sadness
Remembering two lovers walking by the shore
If you were gone the days would all be pointless
And in the night I'd sing the song so blue
A song about spring and every happy moment
When I had all the time along with you
But you're right here and nothing could be better
So take my hand and stay with me till dark
And while the wind is playing with your sweater
I can't imagine life if you were gone...
If you were gone the world would lose it's meaning
Without your love how could I smile again
And though the sun would always keep on shining
I'd never shine without my dearest friend
But you're right here and nothing could be better
So take my hand and stay with me to dark
And while the wind is playing with your sweater
I can't imagine life if you were gone...
Если ты покинешь меня, луна померкнет
Без твоей улыбки зяблик не будет больше петь
И изредка волны будут шуметь с грустью
Вспоминая двух влюбленных, шуляющих по берегу
Если ты покинешь меня, дни будут бессмысленны
И по ночам я буду петь очень грустную песню
Песню о весне и счастье
Когда мы были рядом
Но сейчас ты рядом и нет ничего лучше
Чтож, возьми мою руку и останься со мной до темна
И пока ветер играет с твоим свитером
Я не могу представить себе жизнь, если ты покинешь меня...
Если ты покинешь меня, мир потеряет свое значение
Без твоей любви как смогу я вновь улыбаться?
И хотя солнце так же продолжит сиять
Я никогда не буду сиять без моего дорогого друга
Но сейчас ты рядом и нет ничего лучше
Чтож, возьми мою руку и останься со мной до темна
И пока ветер играет с твоим свитером
Я не могу представить себе жизнь, если ты покинешь меня...Peticions popularsPeticions recents