Lletres: Therion. ... Of Darkness. Morbid Reality.
Oppression in your country takes you
Soon they will be able to rule you too
Onslaught from the east will come soon
Mesmerized you think it's a boon
You will be sacrificed
Clammy dungeons await
Addle in underground
Killed by your own choice
Echants you
You are lost
In a pandemonium
Morbid way of life
Gory alliance
Asphyxiating lies has come true
Now they will be coming after you
Malady will step into your mind
You'll become a hypocondriac
Dynasty come to demise
Depauperise is here
Enchain the betrayals
The obituary's done
Echants you
You are lost
In a pandemonium
Morbid way of life
Gory alliance
Oppression in your country takes you
Soon they will be able to rule you too
Onslaught from the east will come soon
Mesmerized you think it's a boon
You will be sacrificed
Clammy dungeons await
Addle in underground
Killed by your own choice
Echants you
You are lost
In a pandemonium
Morbid way of life
Gory alliance
Asphyxiating lies has come true
Now they will be coming after you
Malady will step into your mind
You'll become a hypocondriac
Dynasty come to demise
Depauperise is here
Enchain the betrayals
The obituary's done
Echants you
You are lost
In a pandemonium
Morbid way of life
Gory alliance
... Of Darkness
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