Traducció: Els Pets. Bon Dia.
no era penal I es desfa la conversa igual que el sucre del tallat. Bon dia, ningu ho ha demanat pero fa bon dia, Damunt els caps un sol ben insolent
Vine aqui se que estas cansada, els ulls s'et fan petits, deixa'm abracar-te tendrament i calla que es molt tard i arribat l'hora de dormir. Posa el
que he tornat no pretenc trobar-te sola, tan sols tenir-te un cop mes al costat. Digue?m que m?estimes, omple?m el cos de mentides nomes et demano un dia
Per la finestra un sol assassi m?informa cruel que son vora les dotze, suposo que ahir m?ho vaig passar be. Entra roba bruta estossegant em sento esvait
Quan sona tan repetit tan inutil, tan avorrit, quan l?unic combustible es el dolor. Quan la veu que t?ha promes et confesa que no pot mes, quan el que
pero al cap sempre tindras un estrany i tot el que hagues pogut ser i mai no sera. Mentre els teus amics tan ben vestits fan bromes, aquell bon partit
Ell seu al llit i es repentina els cabells, ella aprofita i fa un cigarro vigilant per si ve. Un breu moment, un cop caient mentre ella sent una fiblada
Ben depressa ha dinat s?ha tornat a afaitar i es posa la jaqueta. Guaita mig d?amagat com la dona al sofa veu la telenovela. I li diu adeu pero ella
6'n the morning' police at my door Fresh adidas squerk across the bathroom floor Out the back window I make a escape Don't even get a chance to grab my
You will join me in singing Und dancing the Fuhrer's favorite tune 'Der Guten Tag Hop Clop', all right, key of E? Is there any other? Vunderbar, eins,
Seen the change watching it fade Holding my breath feeling it fail Working hard wondering why Can't fix it now so why even try We've run out of time
Golden forest, golden lake Sanctuary, state of grace I will find reason a place to begin It will be a good day Beginning is one place, I've been before
[Diddy] Hello, Good morning Let's go, let's ride, Hello, Good morning Hello, Good morning Know you've been waiting for it 'cause I seen you watching So
Good morning little schoolgirl, can I come home with you? Tell your mama and your papa I'm a little schoolboy too Come on now pretty baby, I just can'
The general rode for sixteen days The horses were thirsty and tired On the trail of a renegade chief One he'd come to admire The soldiers hid behind the
I used to be the kinda guy Who never let you look inside I'd smile when I was crying I had nothing but a lot to lose Thought I had a lot to prove Lived