man, chorus Chubb Rock is definitely comin' out With a different style this year, he's A big man, a big man A big man, a big man A big man, a big man
tune for the man, and.. [chorus one: g-man] Whenever you need good lovin You gotta understand, you need a man, a man Who can provide.. [chorus two] [chubb rock
name cause the rock just g'd All over the commercial hard like herschel The verse will insult but don't take it personal Everybody knows that I'm the man
Traducció: Chubb Rock. Jo sóc l'home.
Traducció: Chubb Rock. L'home.
Traducció: Chubb Rock. El gran home.
that name cause the rock just G'd All over the commercial hard like Herschel The verse will insult but don't take it personal Everybody knows that I'm the man
tune for the man, and.. [Chorus One: G-Man] Whenever you need good lovin You gotta understand, you need a man, a man who can provide.. [Chorus Two] [Chubb Rock
man with the clout came forth to show who's the boss lyrical force (?) monarch to spark the plan for the Chubb's the Big Man - chorus! "A big man!" [
than zero But I can feel like a million real fast Put my lips on the God damn glass And make a little snow using the snowman I can't help it I need some blow man
Traducció: Chubb Rock. Necessito una mica de cop.
than zero But I can feel like a million real fast Put my lips on the god damn glass And make a little snow using the snowman I can't help it I need some blow man