These frames come to life as familiar as the blood curdling in the back of your throat. You're on your own. And this contempt for the plight of mankind
Your face smiling down on us from above. We miss you so much. We'll always remember. Remnants of what you were will remain true to the image we hold of
Lately I?ve been reading the past life of a dead man. Differs ever slightly than what I?m used to. Everything was taken. Still I will not break in two
Traducció: L'intercanvi de ganivets Mans. No vaig sentir res.
Traducció: L'intercanvi de ganivets Mans. L'olor de la Florida després de la pluja.
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Traducció: L'intercanvi de ganivets Mans. Com l'estrella mor ....
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Traducció: L'intercanvi de ganivets Mans. El meu objectiu a portar-se malament.
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Your face smiling down on us from above. We miss you so much. We'll always remember. Remnants of what you were will remain true to the image we hold