Traducció: Lisa Angell. Sense.
Traducció: Lisa Angell. Pardal.
Traducció: Lisa Angell. Una dona se sent sola.
Traducció: Lisa Angell. Rodeo de Mitjanit.
Traducció: Lisa Angell. Fa teu Amor.
Traducció: Lisa Angell. Per a mi amor forta.
Traducció: Lisa Angell. La primera vegada que agradaran sempre.
Traducció: Lisa Angell. 4,3,2,1.
Traducció: Lisa Angell. Jo no volia saber.
Traducció: Lisa Angell. Aquest petó.
Traducció: Lisa Angell. Pistola de pare.
me am I ever gonna find my Angel this life. I've got him on my mind again, And though I search I never win. Tell me am I ever gonna find my Angel this
How do you retain your cool? Seems you love breaks all the rules You may think that I'm a pro But I can never seem to keep my control How can you stand
You want to dance with the angels? Then embroider me with gold, and I will fly with the angels and you can dance with me. Sing with the angels? Then show
You want to dance with the angels Well then, embroider me with gold And I will fly with the angels And you can dance with me Sing with the angels Well
I ever gonna find my Angel This life. I've got him on my mind again and though I search I never win. I'm told that if you seek you shall find your Angel