du waelzt dich schweissnass in den lake ist das alles nur ein traum was liegt da an deiner seite was fuehlt sich so komisch an pass auf nicht schlafen
, entity She hides behind a veil of tears Plays upon my darkest fears, misery She's malaria, she's malaria She's malaria, she's malaria
Mental malaria [2x] Body functions are slowed down Machines delay awareness Their engineers don't figure out To slow down your nightmares The only cure
Giorni che passan tutti uguali donne che non vanno spettri squallidi e banali, giorni da capodanno Sicuramente... sicuramente no! Magari un'altra volta
Traducció: LA Guns. La malària.
Traducció: LA Guns. La malària (en viu).
Traducció: Màscara. L'home la malària.
Traducció: Shriekback. La malària.
Traducció: Shriekback. Malària (el petroli i l'or).
Traducció: Ajustat. Senyora malària.
Traducció: Stieber Bessones. La malària.
survive Entity I see the eyes I can't forget Caught between this world and the next Misery She's Malaria She's Malaria She's Malaria
Hook: Ich suche nach Malaria... Mitten in Niggeria... Saufen dann Sangria in der Busch schikeria... Ich suche nach Malaria... danach gehts nach Namibia
: Mental malaria [2x] Body functions are slowed down Machines delay awareness Their engineers don't figure out To slow down your nightmares The only
(Intro) (loud voice): Fever, jungle fever, jungle fever, jungle fever, jungle fever, jungle fever, jungle fever, jungle fever. Eh, my temperature gets
Wyclef with Pitbull The clubs ain't safe tonight Mamacita, so nice to meet ya You drunk off that rum, you shouldn't drive tonight Give me the key to