On a bien souvent chante Le cri de tous les animaux Le mouton qui fait be e e Le coq qui fait cocorico Mais il est un animal Dont on ne peut pas parler
Je suis d'un naturel tres gai Je prends la vie du bon cote Cote jardin et cote c?ur Cote pastel et cote fleur Je chante debout dans mon lit Pendant
Quatre points de suspension Points finaux de ma passion Nostalgiques grains de cafe Cailloux du Petit Poucet Quatre coquettes petites croquettes Brunes
: I, I went to hell I might as well Learn by my mistakes I at twenty-four Was insecure To whatever it takes Come on now Wake up, wake up, wake
: (Instrumental)
ma defaite Integrez-vous disait-elle, c'etait chose faite Le bruit et l'odeur Le bruit et l'odeur Le bruit du marteau-piqueur Le bruit et l'odeur Le bruit et l'odeur
all right, it's all right, It's all right, It's all right, it's all right, It's all right Rock and roll means nothing to me, It's just some other kid
He's got a million lines for each of your ears, He's telling you exactly what you want to hear, He's telling you what you want to hear, His hands are
Imitare al limite solo inconcepibile dentro nel petto sei spento un po' stanco stracci al vento fragile vuoto e miserabile chiedo un aiuto portatemi
Se penso al mondo come a un? armonia tutto e giusto sia cosi Se ogni strada e la strada mia e il mio posto e stare qui L?odore del mare mi calmera la
Sunday morning, headache's healed Strapped into our chesterfield Caught our breath off the TV's chill Cat is dead on the window sill Brain is functioning
Odeur des myrtils Dans les grands paniers Que demeure-t-il De nous au grenier Odeur des myrtils Dans les grands paniers Ombre mon royaume Je retrouverais
Nelle sere d'ottobre ci ritroveremo, avvolti nel profumo del mare, a parlare ancora di questa vita, alle sue promesse mai mantenute, e ad asciugare
you took my hand in yours fed me lies and locked the doors showed me truths I never saw I can't belive them anymore now I'm looking through you oh,yeah
*Chorus* Why you comin home five in the morn? Somethin's goin' on. I can smell that chick. Don't play me like a fool. Cause that ain't cool. So what
Halla ja fick din broschyr i mitt brevinkast fylld med CP snack sa jag skrev inatt blev javligt lack nu e jag lugn men de e knappt jag ser svart - de
oaaaa! hah! toooroppp! Jag menar att (kom ner med det) Hallo jag fick din broschyr i mitt brevinkast fylld med cp snack sa jag skrev inatt blev javligt