There's, there's a place where I feel you And I know, you mean more to me Still waiting Still holding time There's, there's a place where I feel you
There's a place where I feel you And I know you mean more to me Still waiting Still holding time There's a place where I feel you And I know I mean more
Traducció: Riverside. Nosaltres.
: There's a place where I feel you And I know you mean more to me Still waiting Still holding time There's a place where I feel you And I know I mean
There's a place where I feel you And I know you mean more to me Still waiting Still holding time There's a place where I feel you And I know I mean
[Jonas] Please, remember I'm only a friend [Maria] A friend who boinks me [Jonas] You're too crazy to settle down with [Maria] Then why lead me on? [
Traducció: Rius, Bob. Li desitgem a vostè d'estar Werent amb Nosaltres.