Traducció: TSOL. Desaparèixer.
Driving to the crime of the time I manufacture my mind till we stop till the real man comes on top and now you'll really be dropped Fading in the lane
Late at night and i'm coming to see you inside and i wanna believe you your pain is the rhythm you go through so sad now what could i do? last week
So i'm caught so you said off to jail with a bleeding head how's it feel with a gun overpowered watching your blood run do you mind if you break hearts
sick I want to take you nowhere, nowhere now lunatic I want to take you over, over now And disappear I want to see you nothing, nothing now Disappear Disappear Disappear
I'm sick of politicians sick of institutions sick of everything that they stand for sick of their religion sick of their decisions sick of being sick
Living alone and nothing's ever satisfied me you're sick something I never knew why no love nothing's a terrible place you're sick leave me alone paranoid
We're gonna go out tonight we're gonna be dangerous we're gonna set a house alight and see you all we're gonna go into town we're gonna feel good again
Suffer my last days Do I really gotta talk aloud? Smiling between beats you know you really hurt me now you know I wanna please you and socialize you
No boss and no one over me no god that i could ever see no law to bring me down and we all fall sodomy dissolve no man and no one ever sees what church
You'll come undone, loving all the terrible people Hey, read the news, what's it say did your boy up in heaven go golfing that day? they slaughtered
I'm in my car cause I needed a place to be I met a girl who was thoroughly so complete we got so high that we couldn't get back through the door we
I've never seen you look so lonely yeah you're loaded but I don't care too much sleeping's never been for me you knock me out when you're down there
so i'm caught so you said off to jail with a bleeding head how's it feel with a gun overpowered watching your blood run do you mind if you break hearts
driving to the crime of the time I manufacture my mind till we stop till the real man comes on top and now you'll really be dropped Fading in the lane
late at night and i'm coming to see you inside and i wanna believe you your pain is the rhythm you go through so sad now what could i do? last week